Living in the south means that when we go to the store and buy certain items there is always the chance that they will melt or spoil in the heat. I have tried all the products out there to keep things cold and own every bag or cooler available. I have yet found anything that keeps my ice cream as cold as it needs to be. I saw ThermaFreeze on an QVCshow and wanted to know more about them so I contacted them.
ThermaFreeze is more than just your regular cold packs. They come as dry flat, almost like sheets of paper. You then wet them (soaking them in a small bowl of water works great) and then freeze. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and can be cut to fit whatever it is that you need. If you use one and then don’t put it back into the freezer it must be re-soaked before you can use it again.
I put ThermaFreeze to the ultimate test by purchasing ice cream on a day when temperatures topped more than 100 degrees Since I have to drive 45 minutes away to do any sort of decent shopping this was really going to be a test. I will be honest and say that I expected to get home and have a bag on liquid ice cream. I put a layer of ThermaFreeze in the bottom of my cold bag, set the ice cream on top, and then added another layer of ThermaFreeze. As I sealed the bag I said a little prayer.
When I got home I opened the bag and then the ice cream and above is what I found inside the box (sorry I took a bite and will tell you all about it in another post.) As you can see my ice cream did not melt at all. It wasn’t even soft. In fact it was as cold as it was when I put it into the bag.
Favorite Feature: I love the colors, the fact that I can cut them to fit around certain items.
Least Favorite Feature: There really isn’t anything to not love about these.
Purchase: You can purchase ThermaFreeze from their website or at QVC.
WIN: Enter below for your chance to win one of 3 sets of ThermaFreeze for yourself. ENDS September 26, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST
When hydrated, the pad weighs 24 ounces
Thrermafreeze is great. I used them during Beach Week. The food and beverages stayed cold. But, it also helped when my friend became very ill from the heat. We were able to cool him down buy covering him with several thermafreeze sheets. They were great!
can also be used as a cold or hot compress.
ThermaFreeze pads are manufactured dry, in rolls measuring 6 cells x 1500 cells. Individual cells measure 2.5″ x 2.5″, laminated together in a waffle pattern.
it can be used as a hot or cold compress.;)
i am commenting:this is a cool prize!;)thanks!;)
it can be used as a cold compress
They are reusable.
ThermaFreeze can also be used as a heat pack.
They are reusable.
that you can heat for 30 seconds in the freezer as a heat pack
A 6-cell x 4-cell pad, measures 15″ x 10″ and weighs one ounce when dry. Each cell contains a biodegradable, non-toxic, crystallized polymer compound that absorbs water on contact, and holds the water in a gel-like state.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I learned these can also be heated for use in the microwave!
when frozen, it keeps it in a Gel Like state
I learned that it can be used as a cold compress.