If you are a mother then you must have seen advertisements for baking your baby’s cord blood. It has become a hot topic in the medical world with the recent would be parents. The reason for saving cord blood bank is very simple. The companies who store cord blood tout advantages for saving life once in a lifetime. The supply of the stem cells saves life with the help of saving the cord blood from new born babies. The procedure for taking cord blood is very critical and doctors take it very carefully during the birth of infant. Numerous steps are taken into consideration and this article will help you to provide with place where you can start the journey to collect more information.
- The cord blood may be needed to cure diseases in future. The disease that either the child or its relatives may develop could be cured with the help of cord blood. There are many diseases that can be cured with the help of cord blood banking such as leukemia sickle cell anemia; arthritis, blood transplantation such as bone marrow transplantation. The cord blood matches with the child or its relatives and chances are it matches perfectly with the blood of child and 25% with its relatives.
- While initiating the cord blood banking procedure then must notice that the cost associated with cord blood cell is very high. It may charge around $1500 at the initial storage and after storage it may cost around $80/ month. This is a very significant investment and must be given a very careful attention because the blood of new born baby is kept in storage till the baby is 21 years old.
- Do your researches if you want to save the cord blood of your new born baby. If you want to know more about the processing methods and the subscribers, then you may contact cord blood banks. Also you can contact those people who are in need of cord blood. You may check whether the cord blood bank is the member of American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). It will help you to ensure that legitimate blood bank is concerned with your personal situation.
- Check your financial situation once you have selected few banks that you have been in interested in. Read an overview of your financial statement of the reputable bank. This is quite important to read the financial statement of the cord blood bank because if you are investing in it then the institution should be economically sound otherwise it is not safe to invest in cord blood bank.
You may be observing that there have been many different options to choose from and these options are available to you for use of your child’s cord blood. On the other hand, if you are not in situation to pay the storage fees then the cost can add up to the extreme level and the whole blood may be wasted and thus the costs needed to be weighed against potential gains.
Author Bio: Jenni is a person with a passion for writing. She has written many articles on various topics know more about stem cell banking , for more information you can check her other blogs.
I never heard of it until after I had my last son and I wish that I heard of it sooner. Hopefully I won’t have to regret it when they grow older
I have heard of this before but I never really understood it, thanks for explaining it I can’t have any more children now but useful info
We looked into doing this for our 7 mo. old, as my husband had juvenile diabetes and is now Type 1, but were disappointed when we found out that my doctor wouldn’t do this if you were having a c-section (which I had to have as my son was transverse and WOULD NOT move! :)).
I have friends who filled out everything so that they could donate theirs, and the organization they went with wouldn’t arrange donations for babies that were born on weekends, which, of course, theirs was.
Reading your article makes us wake up to reality when it comes to online banking.
I’d heard about this before but didn’t know much about it. Thank you for a more in-depth look at this process.
Years ago this wasn’t even an option. I am wondering though how long something like this could be frozen? And if it is a reputable company, if they get sold what happens?
I work for an OB/GYN clinic and she offers this option upon delivery. I wish they would of had this when my children were born. Hopefully, you would never need to use it, but it doesn’t hurt to have a “little insurance” when it concerns the welfare of your child.