My daily routine for the last year or so worked well. At least in thought that it did. I had to adjust it a bit when doctor’s appointments and such became a new normal. What I discovered was that I was given out at the end of every day and well as behind. I felt as though I was drowning in my to do list. There were things that needed to get done, like housework, just wasn’t happening. So, I took a hard look at what I did every day and what I wanted to get done. I took a few days to try different things and then see where I was. I knew that I needed to be sure that I got work done as well as have some time for myself. There were some hard truths I had to face.
There is no way on the face of the earth that I can get it all done every day. Regardless of my desire to get it all accomplished and be all bada**ed about it. It ain’t happening!
Boy have I had these puppies wrong for the last few years. When I began a single mother taking care of two senior adults on top of four kids I thought I needed to work my booty off. After all I was now the sole bread-winner and if I wasn’t making enough money we would falter. I am still the sole bread-winner, but I have shifted the need to constantly be working and earning every single penny I can. I will work myself to death if I keep that up. I watched my father do that.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Putting priorities into order makes the daily grid easier.” quote=”Putting priorities into order makes the daily grid easier.” theme=”style2″]
Speaking of watching my father work himself to death. He literally worked his poor heart to death. He worked so hard for all us when I was growing up, even working two jobs at times. While I appreciate all his hard work and the things that he provided, I would give it all back to have him here. To also have had more moments with him when I was growing up. He taught us each the value of hard work and doing as much as possible. The problem is he didn’t teach us to take a break occasionally.
That lesson has resulted in me working super hard for months on end and then fallen into the pattern of not being able to work at all. Like it literally would make me cry to have to sit at my computer and open an email. This would go on for days, put me behind, and then I was rushing to get things done. I realize that this pattern had become my new normal. One in which I am breaking free of. After all the first step to dealing with a problem is admitting that you have a problem.
This year I am doing things differently. I have spent the last couple of months evaluating everything I want to do and want to be. I have a news system in place for my review writing. One that I will be sharing with you over the course of the year. Things that are working and things that aren’t.
I hope you find something that does work. As your kids get older, they of course can perhaps help out more, or maybe delegating some things you feeel you ‘have’ to do to others. No, it wont be like you do them, but at least they will get done.
Yes, you can certainly work yourself to the bone. Been there done that and it took its tole.
I hope you find a middle ground.
I am learning that delegating can be so freeing. Plus saying no to various family members is getting a bit easier. At least saying I can’t really do something rather than I will get to it.
Nice that you are going to get your priorities in order, I had a major health scare and now let some things go and work on what is important to me.
Sometimes that is what it takes to get things in order. It’s sad but true.
I really need to do this as well. I keep thinking that I need to do everything, but it is impossible. I need to prioritize.
It is impossible and I’m pretty sure being run down is what contributed to me getting so sick. My body was just give out.
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. The pressure of taking care of older family members as well as children is a lot. Remember, you can only do what you can do, but have to take care of yourself too.
It is a lot and I know that in the past I have not taken as good of care of myself as I should.
I enjoyed reading your post. Sometimes we think we are super and try to do it all. Taking a step back and elevating our daily routines. Taking time out for me time helps so we are not overwelmed.
Sounds very busy. Lots to deal with.I hope that you find a routine that works. To also take care of you.
Thanks for sharing.
I feel you, and I so hope you find something that works. Hopefully, I will find a routine that works for me too, who knows 2018 could be the year 🙂