Looking through the lens of a camera can give you a whole new perspective on life You see things that you normally may not see. That is why with each season I give one lucky reader the chance to see the view through the lens. So it’s that time again! It’s time to giveaway a Canon EOS Rebel. Here’s a little more about the camera:
12.2-megapixel CMOS sensor
Creates an effect 1.6x field of view and captures high-resolution images with exceptional clarity and tonal range.
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens
With aspherical lens element, circular aperture and optical image stabilizer for incredible picture detail. EF lens mount for use with Canon EF and EF-S interchangeable lenses.
2.7″ color TFT-LCD monitor
Live View function and 170° viewing angle for improved viewing. Eye-level penta-mirror viewfinder with adjustable diopter control.
and much, much more.
Enter Below to Win:
Enter below for your chance to win on the Rafflecopter form. Open worldwide and ENDS July 14, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST GOOD LUCK!
I love sleeping in after school is over. I love the fireworks shows. I also love seeing the fireflies return.
I love going to the beach, and spending time with my non-verbal autistic son, pictures help capture what he can’t say.
I love that the weather is warm and that i have down time to spend with my kids doing activities or even just exploring nature!
I love summer because I can sleep in, take my kids to the splash pad, and go to the lake as a family. We are very lucky because the splash pad is just a two minute walk away from where we live. We go everyday and I take pictures of my kids to capture those great summer memories.
I love finally thawing out after a long winter.
I am passionate about photography. It is very important to my capture moments most special of my life on it. Photography is passion, life and complement!. Thank you for the giveaway.
lic_gcampos at hotmail dot com
I love a lot of things about summer. I love being able to open my windows and letting the fresh air blow in. I love jumping in our pool. I love going for rides in the car with the windows down. I love to garden.
For me I’d say the thing I love about summer is kids. Seeing them running around the place making a lot of noise and just having a blast is something that I think will always bring a smile to my face. I sort of sit there watching them and remember how much fun I had as a kid at summer time myself.
I love Summer because of all of the bright sunshine, flowers blooming, and the time we have to go on vacation. Summer also has a specific smell, it reminds me of being a kid myself and always having the best summers! I also love that in the summertime I can wear shorts and skirts and best of all…time to surf! 🙂 Thanks!
I love going to the beach during the summer and the amazing weather! Hawaii has great weather year round but I live for the heat.
I love summer because it gives me a great opportunity to spend more time with my family since I teach during the school year. Plus it gives me ample time to refresh my mind and get some rest and relaxation!
Summer is my favorite season, I love the fresh air and sunny skies, during this time I am usually going camping\fishing with friends.
What I most like on the summer is the festivals and concerts that I can go. Because I have more time and there are more concerts than on the other times of the year, I went more to them!
I love the electricity in the air, during summer! I love seeing the joy on my kids faces when they hear that magical sound of the ice cream truck’s tune, coming closer in the distance. I love planting and harvesting flowers & veggies in our small garden, which feels like my tiny piece of heaven as I feel the sun’s ray’s beat down on my shoulders. I love setting-up the sprinkler on the grass, and watching my kids jump through it on a really hot summer’s day, as if it’s the best thing in the world. I love summer, because it makes me feel young once again, and it’s a way for me to connect with my kids, my home, my surroundings, and nature.
I love that summer marks a new beginning. Especially for me this year, this will be the last summers living at home with my family so it’s full of opportunities. I also adore summer because of the proximity to the beach in Southern California!
I love the warmer weather. I love being outside. I love being able to take a vacation and spend time with my family.
I love that summer brings with it mild to hot weather. There’s no need to spend more time putting on layers and heading out. No need to clean up snow and pre-heat the car before going out! I enjoy the feeling of nature brimming with all kinds of activity, from crickets to birds tweeting. I love that summer means enjoying cold treats and BBQ!
i love the weather, and also summer is a vacation or holiday time, so i would like to visit beach and do some travelling with my family and friends
Things I love about summer. Beach time, sleeping in, freedom to explore. Summer is just a fun time to experience all the city has to offer.
I love the hot weather. I also love going swimming and camping.
I love going to the beach with the family, swimming in the pool, laying out and getting tan, and the hot weather!!
I love summer firstly because of the warm weather, secondly because I am a summer baby ;), but also because it means I get to spend more time with the kids. I live at the beach but find myself missing the summer mountains. I also LOVE the smell of summer, you know fresh cut grass or a warm rain!
I love all the growing things–green leaves and grass as a background to the beautiful flowers. I’m not a heat loving gal, so I enjoy evening strolls just at dusk and early morning snacks on the deck.
I love the long evenings. As the sun sets later there’s more time to spend together as a family in daylight.
I love the summer because the weather is warm and I don’t have to worry about snow or ice. I enjoy spending a lot of time outdoors with my kids, going on nature walks and playing catch.
I’m not thrilled about the crazy heat waves that we have, but I do love the break from school. I love getting to hang out with my kids and not say “hurry hurry!” nearly as much. I love lazy summer nights, iced tea and lemonade, flying kites, and watching family movies.
My favourite part of summer is being able to cycle without dealing with the snow! Second favourite part is when it finally ends and winter returns saving me from the heat and humidity! Truly not a fan of summer at all!
I love that it’s warm and sunny and that makes me feel good. I love that there are more fresh healthy foods available and that makes me feel good too! It’s a great time of the year!
I love a lot about the summer its the best time of the year. I love the pretty flowers and he smell of them. I love that im not hibernating anymore in the house since the weather is nicer. I love swimming and cookouts just to name a few of my favorites!
We don’t have the worst winters in the country, but I hate the cold. So foremost I love the warm weather! Then I would say I love the changes in my yard. The flowers, butterflies, birds and green grass. I can smell the honeysuckle this morning and loved seeing the fire flies last night. Of course I don’t like most insects that come with summer!
We love swimming, sitting outside until late. fresh fruits and veggies. Homemade ice cream and cold watermelon. Summer travel.
I love going to our community pool in the summer with my son. It is such a great way for him to burn off energy.
I love school being out and having my kids at home during the summer! I love wearing shorts and flip flops. Lazy mom comment: I love not having to wash and match as many socks during the summer, haha!
There is lots that I love about summer. Warm weather, fresh fruit and veggies from the garden, bbq and getting together with the family. Camping.
I love being able to garden and grow fresh veggies. I also love all the fresh salads, grilling, and being able to eat dinner outside. Wish it could last longer!
I love having bonfires with family and drive-in movie nights. I also love taking my 3 year old swimming and I love the 4th of July festival our town throws.
I love the summer weather but the best part about summer would be that I don’t have to wake up so early to take my boy to the bus stop. I also love going to the beach with my family and summer is just so fun and awesome.
living in Maine, I love seeing everything green and flowers growing, warmer weather, going to the beach or the lake and enjoying some time off from work (my seasonal layoff is during the summer) unfortunately summer is way too short here!
I like that there’s less traffic during the summer. I like the summer TV shows, too: Royal Pains, Covert Affairs, Suits, Burn Notice, Necessary Roughness, too many!
I love summer weather, vacations, hanging out with my kiddos, pool time, less traffic, great sales, etc.
My favorite thing about summer is just how everything seems more laid back. I also like wearing flip flops, drinking my coffee iced and having tons of fresh fruit. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I love summer because it is a season in which I get to spend more quality time with my children since they are out of school. It is a time for me to re-connect with my kids.
I love the long days and warm nights. Taking vacations with family, and trips to the beach. Reading on a blanket on the lawn, and sipping lemonade.
I love the long days and late sunset and being able to spend time outdoors after work everyday. I also love the warmth of the season and being able to go for walks by the river.
Summer is my absolute favorite time of the year! I love being able to go for walks, going to the park, sleeping with my windows open and listening to the birds. There is nothing better then sitting outside and reading a book during the summer. I love being able to have friends and family over for a BBQ. I think the sun does a lot for your mental health, Ii just makes me happy. 🙂
I love being outside and enjoying the weather. I also like to go swimming and enjoy the beach. Thanks!
I love being able to spend days and nights by the beach, just enjoying the sea and sleeping under an open sky.
I love the smells of lemon and orange trees, picking fresh berries and eating fresh fish by the sea.
I love the blue skies and the warm sun, and the short but beautiful summer nights.
I live in the Arizona desert, so summer for me is when you get to stay inside all day long.
I love that there’s no snow to shovel! It’s nicer to be outside – walking, gardening, BBQing, summer drinks on the patio, beautiful plants and flowers. I also have a party that I attend once a year during the summer where I get to visit with friends that I only see then.
summertime is my absolute favorite time of year and always has been.. 3 years ago i had my son and now i get to spend summers playing with him!! =) which makes summer even more lovable! sunny days, playin in the water, picnics, long days, smiles, ice cream, camping trips =) a million things to love bout summer!! =)
They love to write comments… But I just need need to win… or maybe I have to.
I’m actually into 3d graphics and in general computer graphics.
Such a piece of equipment would just be the best present I ever had because economy is getting… hm weird. I’m a Greek, trust me.
being able to go outdoors and do things after being cooped up inside all winter. can’t wait to get mountain biking again. if only it would stop raining!
I love family BBQ’s and swim time. We spend the afternoon swimming & having fun with family and end it with an awesome dinner. It’s my favorite way to spend a summer day especially when family is involved!
I love fishing the most about summer. It’s my favorite thing to do. I also love eating barbeque (notice I didn’t say cooking).
i love being able to get the kids outside to run around and play.also,being able to pack up a picnic and head to the beach and just lounge around and enjoy our family.everything feels just a bit more laid back in the summertime. plus,those hot summer day naps are pretty awesome.
I love many things about summer, but some of my favorites have to do with family and fashion. I love doing my toe nails and wearing skirts and capris while spending time with family going to the park or at a bbq. We also get to do mini-vacations in the summer and go to outdoor events. Summertime is such an easy going time of the year.
I love the great outdoors in the summer; especially when it’s not very humid. It’s a great time to get out there go wild with photography!
I love sitting around a backyard bonfire with my housemates, roasting s’mores and enjoying the wonderful break from school!
I love that I spend more time with my family during the summer, love the times spent at the pool, the beach and the bike rides, hopefully camping again this year
My favorite part of summer is going to the beach. The cool breeze takes my mind off the summer heat ><
I love the warmer weather. I enjoy being outside..swimming or just sitting on the patio with family. Plus, schools are out so my grandson comes to stay for a week.
I love spending time outside with the kids. I just built them a new swingset, and it’s been a blast!
I just finished with my exams and I love that I can no finally sleep in 🙂 I love to go outside the city ,closer to the nature – lake, trees, and less of buildings and people -that’s the essence of the summer. Being outside in the nature is wonderful 🙂
My favorite thing about summer is the sunny warm weather! I also love going boating and being on the water. 🙂
My favorite thing about summer is laying in a hammock under the shade…followed closely by running with my Vizsla on the beach.
I love swimming. I’m lucky enough to live where there’s a gorgeous river and several nice lakes nearby, so I spend a lot of time in the water when the weather is warm enough for it.
I love being able to go outside and do family things. We’ve been enjoying the creek here lately. We’ve almost gone every weekend for a while now.
I love sleeping in the summer. The fan blowing on me, kicking off the covers. But most of all, I love the beach. Summer isn’t summer without a trip to the beach.
I love the warmer weather, which encourages us to eat on the screened porch. I also love the little day trips we take to the beach and the more casual atmosphere at work.
I love the relaxed pace and time spent with family and friends. Summer also brings back really good memories of growing up and when my own kids were little.
I like the way the dusk light makes the brownstones golden in Downtown NYC.
I love spending time with my family. We spend time visiting beautiful places and usually go to American Beauty Car Show (all weekend full of old american cars).
Ice cream cones and pick up games,
Shooting stars and gentle rains,
Corn on the cob and watermelon,
Easier schedules and just “jellin’
Family picnics and fourth of July,
And fireworks that light the sky.
Camping, fishing, picnics and swimming
Serious kids who now are grinin’
Cookouts and weddings and celebrations
Time off work and impromptu vacations.
Watersports and sunkissed lazy days,
Kids and parents having TIME to play.
Not fond of winter but like spring and fall,
But summer…we love MOST of all!
i love going out and working in my garden, harvesting all the good food from my yard. I like going swimming, hiking, fishing, and camping with the kids. and they love playing outside in water when its hot out.
I love the longer days. We have more time together as a family it seems, probably because we’re not snowed in at all! Then there’s the bbqs and fireworks and parades!
I love going to the beach and watching the sun rise. I love grilling meals with family and friends and watching the sun set. I love how summer encourages people to spend more time together as friends and family. In my family, we have a lot of summer birthdays so I love being around for all of that!
What i love about summer is that i can go to the beach and hang out with my cats and my dog.
I love spending long summer evenings with family and friends. Swimming, playing, cooking out and relaxing with frosty cold drinks. I also love gardening.
To be honest I don’t like summer very much because I suffer a lot in hot weather. I’m more of an autumn/winter type of person. But summer, yes, has its positive sides. The things that I like the most are the green meadows and trees in parks.
Hey! I love the summier because the weather is lovely en I go chilling with my friends. I go to the swimmingpool with family en friends en we have much fun! I love to make picture’s of flowers en much more. I just love it!
I love summer! My husband is a teacher and my son just finished first grade and I love having them to myself for a couple of months. I also love our annual summer family vacation. We’re heading to Disney World this summer!
What i love about summer is grilling! I love being able to grill up my favorites. Playing outdoors with the kids, and enjoying the beautiful weather!
I live in Florida so I love being able to go to the beach and tan as much as possible! I also love having more time to spend with friends and family.
i love the weather and beach 🙂
I really love spending time with my daughter at the beach, having bbqs in our backyard. I also love taking on home improvement projects.
What I love about summer? Hmm…everything!
Days are longer, time is beautiful,then i love: outdoor movies, long hikes in the cool, outdoor concerts, vacation, staycation, or just giving yourself a quick relaxation break, eating outside, sleeping in tents (in the backyard or the wilderness), sunny days = sunnier moods, road trips (and kitschy roadside attractions), the ripest, most lusciostaying inside when you’ve had too much sun and
watching movies, driving with the top down, open windows, kids in sunglasses, sitting in the shade on a hot day, the sound of ocean waves, a cool breeze on a hot day, the smoky smell of people barbecuing in the evenings, relaxed attitudes, neighborhood block parties, sundresses…:D
What did I miss?
I love everything about summer! I get to spend more time with my kids and have fun!
We typically go on vacation and to the beach. I also spend more time on my garden.
What I love about summer is the smell of the sea, feel the sand and the beautiful sunbathing perfect 🙂
I love summer because the feeling of warm sunlight on my skin feels amazing! Also, the scene of green leaves and bushes are so beautiful compared to the bare treees of winter.
There are so many reasons to love summer. I love the beaching weather and the longer days. Spending time with my kids at the park and later with a picnic makes summer fantastic. A slurpee while at the beach also makes it rocks.
I love to go fishing and go to festivals in the city like TD Jazz Fest, Luminato, NXNE, Harbourfront, Ribfest etc. I also like going to concerts
What’s not to love about summer. I love summer for the evening campfires with s’mores and family. The beach and cool waters on those hot day. I especially enjoy the lightened schedule we all have so we can spend more time together with family and friends.
Longer days.And warmer sun. But here in Texas we get just a little to much sun. So this summer we are going to the mountains. Where we will get just the right amount of sun.
I love summer because my mom doesn’t work so I can pop in to see her anytime. I also love the warm weather, being able to take walks with my little one and going on vacation.
In the past I loved summer because I spent my summers in upstate NY working as a head lifeguard. I love being outdoors, I love the pool, and I really enjoy teaching kids how to swim. This summer my husband and I are looking forward to summer because we are expecting our first baby in the beginning of July.
I really don’t like a thing about summer. I’m a winter person, I love the cold, even the sea.. I like it more at winter. I just love walking with cold air hitting my face.
Love the weather, love to go to the pool
I love summer because it gives us a chance to go outside even more and spend more time together as a family while getting some exercise too.
I love the sunshine, the green grass and the sun staying up until 10pm here. I love going to the beach and grilling outdoors without dealing with a heavy rain. I love watching things grow in the garden and end up on the outside table as dinner. I love summer.
I love that I can finally open the patio door and the windows for the fresh air. And I also love a good summer thunderstorm!
I love spending time with my family. Especially when it involves sitting by the pool all day, with a cool drink in my hand. Our lakeside cabin is a plus as well!
I love getting a tan!
I love getting a tan! 🙂
I love the fact that the days are longer and we fit more in together as a family. There is so much to do and explore. The vitmain D feels so great as well.
I’m a nanny, and my favorite part of summer is being able to spend it with “my kids.” I don’t think you can truly appreciate summer without being able to see it through the eyes of a child. So much fun stuff to do: long days at the pool, popsicles outside after lunch, blowing bubbles and drawing with sidewalk chalk… it’s all great. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I adore the season of summer, because I get to find myself during peaceful times of solitude. I get to walk on the sand as the day unfold, the world quiet and still. For a brief moment, I get to hear the whispers of the wind, the call of the sea and the beating of my heart. I love to see the many changes within the visual images before me — the water sparkling beneath the sun, the many wonderful colors of warm sky, and just that unique feeling it all gives.
I am a teacher, so my favorite part of the summer is sleeping in and being able to spend time with my kids. I love relaxing and being lazy!
I would love to win this camera to take beautiful pictures of Italy this summer!
I really love the cool weather sunny skies but breezy winds. and i love the food… like bbq and corn!
I love the summer because it means it’s time to go camping and hiking!
What I love most about summer is the time I get to spend with my kids. BBQ’s, swimming, float trips – there’s so many wonderful things to do with the family!
I love summer so much! I love that the summer is full of great weather and great memories with the family! This summer will definitely be my best because I am expecting my first child! This would be amazing to win so that I could capture my families greatest moment with this camera!!
Hey! I love summer because it’s time when people, families & friends gather together to hang out & to catch up. It’s time of fun, celebrations and also weddings. Also summer is the only time of year in my country when the weather is so warm.
Greetings from Estonia!
Angelika 🙂
I love summer because I can be outside birding and taking pictures all of the time.The birds are nesting and the butterflies are everywhere,so many great photo ops!
I love summer because the beach its my favourite place to be, plus the days are longer !!
Oh I love the warm weather and swimming! We spend alot of time in the pool. I also love taking Carter to all the local parks…we have so much fun visiting them all! Love to have picnics! Oh so much to do….now I just need a camera to capture the moments! 🙂
Sleeping in and not hearing an alarm clock to wake up children, lol! Thunderstorm’s and rain are great for sleeping. Swimming with the kids, showing off my daughters new swimsuit!!!
Warmer weather and more daylight. Fresh fruit and vegetables from the garden. Cookouts with family and friends. Vacation plans to Hawaii. Aloha!
I love being able to spend more time with my kids. We like to travel and see new places during the school free summer months.
In the summer, I love going to car shows. I also love spending more time with the family and having BBQs, etc.
I love the possibilities of Summer. During summer anything is possible, it is like Summer is this unique pocket of time. You can travel, spend more time with friends and family. Summer is unlike any other time of the year. Summer is bright, joyful and fun, that is what I love about the Summer!
I love the warm weather, and being outside. My son loves swimming in his new kiddie pool, and riding his bike!
I love summer because my kids are out of school, we love going to the beach almost every day.. we love playing in the backyard having BBQs and late night bonfires with friends… we love our yearly family camping trip 🙂
One of things I love about summer is that we celebrate my son’s birthday. This year, we are going camping and that is a first for us.
What I love most about summer is the weather. My children LOVE to play outside, and I cannot stand when it’s cold.
I always feel like everyone comes out of their shells in the summer. I see old friends I haven’t seen in forever and we get to catch up. Some of my other favorite things: Lemonade and pooltime 🙂
I love the nice evenings to go for walks, my children being out of school and being able to spend more time with them. I love not having to do all the running around for school and children having deadlines.
We love taking the kids on day trips and vacation during summer. During the school year, we research places that we would like to visit, and as soon as school is over, we start our adventures. Our family loves discovering new places/things, and we take lots of photos to commemorate our travels.
I love spending time with my family, going camping, going to the beach.. I would love to start going hiking now that my boys are getting bigger. I also love cookouts and picnics! 🙂
what i love about summer is wearing tank tops and flips flops. I also love the summer nights the most, its so humid sometimes that you cann feel the moisture on your skin but its not hot at all like in the sun!
I love the warm weather and being able to swim everyday. I love the flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass in the summer.
I love the weather and swim a lot! I really like to wear a lot of dresses, walk in the park in the morning with my little dog. About makeup I wear a nude makeup with a coral lipstick and lipbalm. All that make me so happy!
What I love about summer is the season’s ability to renew mind, body and spirit. As a kid, I would be so wound up on the last day of school because I could see the promise of fun and freedom just on the other side of the minute hand. Often I look to my childhood to remember the resurgence of life and happiness that accompanies this time of year.
I love the summer b/c I get to spend time with my boys. We are in the garden during the day and play outside. My favorite part is taking them to the beach and water park.
I love the sun, and being able to go outside and enjoy the day with the warm sun shining down! Plus I love flowers and green grass and trees!! Makes my heart happy!
Summer is such a cherished season here in Ottawa, Canada…after months and months of winter, you can finally bare your skin and feel the sun warm you up! I love everything about Summer; fresh fruits, swimming in lakes, BBQs, road trips and so much more… of course, capturing those memories in photographs is a joy too!
I love being able to enjoy the outdoors. My fiance and I are avid hockey players and we love to get a pick up street hockey game going.
My favorite part about summer is traveling & camping. My husband and I recently bought a canoe so that’s what our plans are for the summer. Nothing beats camping for a week! Nature is spiritual!
I LOVE everything about Summer… I moved to Florida so I could enjoyed a “Prolonged” Summer season! We go to the Beach, the pool, play tennis, go to parks, etc…
I love the extra time I have to spend with my kids. We like to spend a great deal of time in our pool!
I love the warmer weather. I also love going to the beach and water parks.
I love the warm weather and being able to work in my garden.. I also like the longer days and possibly a vavation
I like watching my daughter catch fireflies in the summer evenings.
Summer is my favorite month. I love the sun shining down on me, the heat, the days spent with my kids and mostly, time spent on vacation with my family.
I love that it stays daylight longer. I also love being able to pick fresh vegetables from the garden.
During the summer, we visit with my Dad who lives out of our State in So. Carolina. We usually go for two weeks in the beginning of summer and two weeks at the end. I love visiting with him and also other family and friends live there too. So I really love the summer time and all the time we spend there.
The only thing I love about Summer is that I get to hang out with friends more often. When a friend I haven’t seen in years comes to town for the Summer and wants to hang out, I have no problem braving the triple digits just to spend time with him.
I love the colors of summer, bright and fresh. Summer smells are so yummy. I love the way my daughter loves to go outside when it’s bright!
I love all the fresh produce.There is nothing like going to the local farmers market and getting good quality fruits and veggies.
What do I love about Summer? I love being able to sleep in and going swimming! I also love BBQ’s and just being outdoors. As long as it’s not super hot out, I love to be outside in the Summer. If it’s too hot, then I enjoy sitting inside with my AC on lol
kport207 at gmail dot com
I love the longer hours of daylight and all the fresh, home grown goodies from my yard! I could do with a bit less heat, but that’s part of where I live. Lazy afternoon naps in a hammock in the shade are also great!
I love berry picking and farmers markets. I joined a CSA this year, and my house is filled with fresh local fruits and veggies. YUM!
Going to the beach.
I love being able to have my morning coffee on the patio and enjoy what is blooming in the garden. I love summer concerts and chances to be near a lake. I love being able to get fresh produce at the farm markets.
I love being able to go horseback riding. Then having a picnic with my husband under the trees with the horses.
I love being able to go horseback riding. Then having a picnic with my husband under the trees with the horses grazing on the grass.
Im not the biggest fan of summer. it is a nice break from school in which i can either take summer classes or work in a nice air conditioned gas station serving ice cream. i do like that the days are longer, i can go to the drive in, go swimming and go to the beach.
My favorite thing about the summertime would be the extra hours of daylight to spend time outdoors doing some of my favorite things – like playing tennis, cooking out, hiking, and fishing.
I love going to the pool with my kids.
I love going to the beach, spending time with my kiddos and going to get ice creams!
My favorite part of summer is having more daylight 🙂
camping and going to the beach, if it ever stops raining maybe.
The best part of Summer is the family summer vacation! This year will be going to the beach to enjoy some sun and family fun.
I love summer because school is out or at least less busy, but that is because I work for a school.
And vacation. I love taking vacation.
I love going camping with my wonderful fiance and our two beautiful girls. I also love relaxing next to the pool while the kids swim.
There are a few things I love about summer. First off is the abundance of fresh produce and fruits. Second would be being able to get outdoors and having a campfire, be it in the backyard or on a camping trip.
I love summer because I get to spend more time with my granddaughter… We love getting out and bringing her on trips to swim and the beach… and don’t forget camping!
I love Summer because I get to spend more time with my children. We spend a lot of time swimming. It’s also nice not to have a schedule and sleep in.
I love summer because when my kids and grand kids come to visit we can have cookouts. I can let the kids run freely because we have a privacy fenced in yard. I also love the smell and nature during this time of the year.
I love cookouts, being able to hike and bike almost every day and just being outdoors more often.
I live in Chicago so the winters are brutal so when summer comes i’m just happy to enjoy the warm weather. I also like to visit the beaches in zoos.
Most of all, I love the sun and the warm weather. I also like attending the outdoor concerts, fairs, and yard sales.
I love watermelon. I love spending time with my kids in the backyard and barbecuing. We spend time trying to cool off and have fun.
I love the weather that comes along with summer. It’s perfect for taking my daughter out to the zoo. We’re getting season passes this year, so should be a lot of fun!
Summer is great because I can wear shorts (yay, no dresses!) and I can sweat off all my flabby fat that I accumulated in the winter. Seriously, all I have to do is sit in the baking sun and BAM, sweat off. Poof. Gone-o.
Summer is also great for eating ice cream, drinking bubble tea and wearing cute sunglasses 😛
I love that the kids can play outside. They can get all their energy out. Plus I can take great pictures of them having fun.
I love everything about summer. I love that we can go to the beach often and just hang out. I love being able to ride bikes through our neighborhood. I love all the cookouts where friends come over. I even love the heat.
My favorite part of the summer is going to the beach and spending time outdoor with my family
The parts I love about summer are, for starters, the long evenings. I also love going swimming every day, and having cookouts long into the night. And I think my favorite part is the thunderstorms that often happen during the summer.
What I love about summer is going on vacations. We especially love the beach.
The garden is getting into full bloom and the BBQ season is is in full swing. Family from all over is on the move for vacations and stops along the way to visit and renew family ties.
I love the warm weather so that I can go to the beach! It is the best season
I love long, lazy nights by the campfire. Gardening and grilling what we grow. Road trips with my family over long weekends. I especially enjoy spending the time daily with my kids.
I love sleeping in, I love laid back days with the kids, I love hot days at my mom’s pool swimming, I love the flowers, basically what’s not to like about summer 🙂
I love summer because I get to plant a wonderful garden each year and also I love to go swimming. I like to swim at the beach or go to the pool.
My favorite thing about summer is watching baseball games and cheering for my Orioles. I also like that I can pack up my sweatshirts for a bit and bring out my summer dresses.
My favorite part of summer is being able to have more time with my family since my son is not in school! We all really like going camping or going to the pool! Fireworks on the 4th are also a plus!
My favorite part of summer is that everyone has more of a chance to get together. There are more family and friend BBQs and parties. We go swimming and just hang out outside sipping sweet tea. We always take a small group vacation with some of our friends and I always look forward to that.
I love that I can spend more time with my family and friends. And the fact that it is warm enough to go swimming!
I love the longer days and being able to go outside in the sunshine and fresh air.
There’s a bunch of things I love about summer! I love that we can go to the beach, chill by the pool. I love that the kids are out of school so I can spend more time with them AND I don’t have to get up early. I also love that the days are longer…it doesn’t get dark until around 9pm here now!
I love the fact that it gets warm and we can work in the garden and the pool
I love going on summer road trips and bbq’s with family and friends!
Summer is the perfect weather for sitting on the porch, reading and drinking coffee, in the mornings. When the sun goes down, I love working in the garden.
I love the beautiful weather! And pool parties at the beach and apartment complexes. Yay summer!
I love to go camping and fishing with my family in the summer. It’s great to be with Nature and reflect what is really important in life.
I love going on long walk without having a destination. Sometimes I get lost, but hey thats part of the fun
I really like the warm weather. In Canada it is pretty cold so it’s nice for a change.
I love that the kids are out of school.. I love to spend time with them doing things with them and this is a special time for u
I love how late it stays light out in the summer. No coming home from work in the dark, yay!
It is so funny because I was thinking about this last night. Wouldn’t it be nice if summer was all year round? I love the warm late nights and the sunny hot days! We are a family of 4 here. All boys 🙁
Summer is a chance for us to all get out and do things. Parks, beaches. Bon fires and what we really enjoy is Camping. 🙂
BBQ’s are also a summer favourite of ours. There is nothing more better than a big summer bbq with friends and family outside in the warm.
Oh i could go on and on about summer. I enjoy and love it so much!
Thanks for the contest!!
I love so many things about the summer but my favorite thing would have to be that my 10 year old son is out of school. I love that we get to hang out all summer together. We go swimming, camping and do a lot of playing outside. I am always sad to see summer vacation end.
The thing I love about summer is Summer Vacation. I work at a school and it’s great to have this time away. I also love the sunflowers. Ours have just bloomed and they are beautiful in front of our porch.
I love that when its summer time we are able to cook outside and do a ton of activities that are outside related.
I love to see the wildlife and flowers outside. I have fun taking photos of nature in the warmer weather, I’m sure it would be even more fun with this camera. My other favorite thing about summer is cold, fruity drinks, it gets very hot and humid here.
Summer is awesome, warm sunny days, swimming out in the bay, camping at the park, shorter work days and best of all no damn snow to shovel. lol 🙂
The thing I love most about Summer is everyone is so excited about their upcoming vacations.
The first thing I love about summer is not having to get up so early to take my daughter to school . And the next thing I love is to be able to go places in the warm weather and family cookouts
The thing that I love the most about summer is the heat. I am a Floridian and I love being outside in the hot sun.
I love the warm weather and the sound of crickets chirping at night. To hear the frogs in the pond. You can tell I live in the country. Also love hitting the open road and going somewhere new while the kids are out of school
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I love summer because I have good reasons to get outside. I enjoy working in the garden, cutting the lawn, visiting the zoo and the Botanical Garden. Also, clothes are lighter and more comfortable!
I love summer and just about everything about it. The warmer weather is nice and the cookouts and gardening is fun, too. It’s also fun getting into the car and driving on all the old back roads and seeing new things. Thanks.
I love the sunshine and the family time! It’s my favorite season of the year 🙂 What do YOU love about summer, Rita?
I love all light! It stays lighter longer and I always somehow feel better.
I love Summer because, if I’m lucky enough that’s when I get to see fireflies! I also love the long evenings, lazy mornings and being on break from college!
Here are some of the things I love about summer. You can go swimming to cool down. You can spend more time with your kids. You can make memories that last a lifetime. 🙂
I love swimming and late night cookouts.
I love being home with the kids. I love being able to take them to the beach and the water parks and watch them grow over our long break. This year my oldest graduated and I will be dropping her off at college in the fall so we are especially trying to enjoy this summer.
Please post the winner on the giveaway form! 🙂
I post winners on Mondays and Thursdays but I am awaiting the winner confirmation. Once they confirm I post them. If I don’t hear from them by today then I have to select a new winner.
Thanks, Rita 🙂