One of the hardest things about working on making a baby is getting in the same place. Since Edgar works out of town a lot this make it hard. We have however come up with some crazy ways to work on it though. We have done everything from him driving all the way home and then back to work then next morning, me driving up to where he is working, both of us each driving half way, you name it.
The reason behind all of this is because we are committed to making a baby and refuse to let something like the fact that he works in one place and we live in another stop us. It has made our efforts mean all the much more. The best times are when he drives home without me knowing he is coming. He keeps up with my cycle and the days when we are most likely to conceive. He does it because it will drive me crazy and he is more relaxed about it.
If you are trying to conceive as well and there are a million things that seem to get in the way then do what we do and take yourself out of the way. Go and send a weekend alone at a cabin. That’s what we will doing this weekend, just because we can.
So sweet. I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I have to get that into check before we can continue trying. I guess that is the big reason why we haven’t been successful. I hope the best for you and Edgar and hope that you soon will be blessed with a nice surprise. I on the other hand have to be patient awhile longer.
Thanks! I hope that you too are blessed. Just never give up!