It seems like the cost of living continually rises and managing the household budget can be a real problem. It helps if you can reduce your household expenses in any way. One thing you can do, in order to save money on your energy bills, is to make your home more energy efficient. In fact energy efficient homes not only can you help yourself financially, you can also have a positive effect on the environment.
If you worry that improving the energy efficiency of your home will be too expensive then it’s important to remember that although you need to make an initial investment you end up saving money in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which you can improve the energy efficiency of your home.
Ensuring your home is well insulated
One of the biggest aids to improving energy efficiency in your home is ensuring you have sufficient good quality insulation. If your home is not adequately insulated then warm air can easily escape during cold weather and enter your home during hot weather. This decreases the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning systems.
Keeping your windows in good condition
If the windows in your home are not in good condition it’s very easy for heat to escape. It’s important to make sure that the windows are maintained on a regular basis and that you use weather stripping to improve their efficiency. Although you probably would not want to replace windows just to save energy, if you are having new windows fitted anyway make sure you opt for the most energy efficient.
Having cladding fitted to the exterior walls of your home
External wall cladding can be an eye catching addition to your home; it’s also a major positive when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of your property. Cladding helps to insulate your property so that warm air is not able to escape during colder months or enter when the weather is hot. If you want some advice as to which is the best wall cladding for your home you should speak to an expert such as That way you can make sure that you get the right external wall cladding for your property. One of the ways to find cladding is by doing an internet search for aluminium cladding in Perth to see what is available to you.
Using your hot water system more efficiently
The hot water system in your home can use a lot of energy; for this reason it’s important that you use it as efficiently as possible. One of the easiest things you can do to start with is to use the system on the warm setting. You can also insulate the hot water lines in your home so that they do not cool off as quickly. It’s also a good idea to use low-flow fixtures in your bath and shower.
It’s easier than you may think to make your home more energy efficient, and it does not have to be hugely expensive. Hopefully, our tips have helped to start you off down the energy efficient path.
We rent our home, so we’re limited in what we can do. But I did just add some weather stripping around the front door, and I can feel the difference already. It hadn’t occurred to me to put some around the windows, but I think that might help in a couple of rooms on the north side of the house. Thanks for this interesting post!
I dont even know what cladding is… never heard of it. We plastic our windows, use foam insulation and also use wood heat before we have to turn on the furnace to take the chill off. Last year our bill went down rather than up which was nice.
Thanks for some good tips. It’s always great to find something new.
I agree with the cost of everything going up we need to make our homes more energy efficient..good tips Rita
I agree, keeping your home energy efficient can definitely save you money. Also, your tip on using your Hot Water Heater more effectively is so true. We just had our thermostat replaced in our Water Heater and it’s made a big difference in our electric bill.
Good tips! We are very conscientious about ways to save money in our home, and I know our electricity bill reflects it.
Oh those are great ideas to help! I really should get one of the low-flow fixtures for our showers!
I really have to adjust the hot water heater setting to lower. I know that would help.
Thank you for sharing these tips as our energy bills keep rising each year. I had never heard of cladding before as well.
We just put plastic on all of the porch windows, and are about half done with the house windows. Using a barrier on the windows really helps and its not like we get to open them once winter hits. We do the south windows last so we can air out the house .