It is the season of giving and celebrating the birth if our Lord. It is also the season of cutting each other off while driving, diving someone out if the way, and a million other thoughtless, careless acts.
When you are out holiday shopping this season take a little time to do a small act if kindness. Even if it is as simple as mid drink. Off and leaving your mother in law at that store because she is driving you crazy.
Remember we all need a little extra prayer this season.
Great idea especially during the stressful holiday’s. Unfortunately the holiday season is also when more people suffer from depression. One small act of kindness could make someones week.
I would appreciate extra prayers for my friend who is going through round two of Chemo for breast cancer. She has been having a very rough go of things lately. Thanks you!
I will say a prayer, Tammy.
Amen to the kindness. I made it a point one week last month to intentionally be kinder than usual. It felt better in my heart. I will do it again this week. And this week I’m going to try to make it more about other people and less about me.
I’m praying for the lady at the mall yesterday who had her car stolen.
I didn’t even check out the frenzy of the Thanksgiving holidays (who was shot, trampled, etc) since this irks me and does not equate to thankfulness in my mind. Saying an extra prayer for those frenzied shoppers that they find the true meaning of the holidays.
It is hard to be mad when you are smiling. So I think that this is a wonderful thing to try and do every day! Thank you for the reminder.
Please say a prayer for me and my husband/caregiver that I will be well enough to be out of the bed for Christmas and that Lupus will not win again.
I always try and be kind even in the Walmart parking lot (that I had never been to) has one way aisles..I didn’t see that I was going to drive in the wrong way…till a lady pointed it out in her car..yep reading lips here…that I was an idiot and going the wrong way, as I turned to my daughter and said I guess it’s a one way, my daughter then told me yep and now she’s giving you the finger..oh my goodness I laughed so hard, wow..okay parking lot rage..have a great day, hopefully I made you laugh..some people are way too serious,,,oh well, I decide to live my life smiling 🙂
I have been in and out of the hospital lately and not finding the cause of my ills. As I finally was able to walk the halls a bit and see how very sick others were and yes, dying,…I found in my heart the lightness to feel not so fearful and to think of those who are even worse off and having families dealing with a death this time of year. My next door “neighbor” patient was an older gentleman who was driving me to be a nervous wreck…he was screaming and moaning in pain. almost 247. Poor man. I was lucky my family was able to bring my full blown headphones so I could get some sleep. I did pray for him. I have never heard that kind of pain unless it was on a labor and delivery floor. I felt so badly for him. I wanted him to find some peace and painfree life, whether it was here or beyond our Earthly home. He truly needed prayers. I soon forgot the worst of my ills and felt glad for family to be there for me and to advocate for me. I don’t think he had anyone there. Made me cry.
I have had a lot of disappointment lately. I feel a little discouraged and want to stay positive but I am nervous. I want to be faithful, but it is increasingly harder every day not knowing. I know in my heart that everything will be fine, but the road to there is overwhelming. I want to be more at peace and hopeful.
Diana C
I would like to put in a prayer request for a friend and co worker. She went out to CA for Thanksgiving with her family and while she was there her husband passed away. they think it was a seizure, but not sure. They just got married this past summer. I am so sad for her. Prayers to get her through this would be great.
I want to pray for my friend Charlotte.. shes been going through a lot lately health wise and shes been diving into depression. I try to be there as much as possible as a shoulder and listening ear but I want to lift her up in prayers.
Please pray for my coworkers husband to find a job he has been out of work for a while now. His name is Jason.