As a Catholic I am expected to tithe. In fact the church even provides us with pre-printed envelopes so we may do just that. There are various charities and church needs that I can tithe my money to as well. The problem is how in the world do I manage to tithe and live on a bloggers salary.
Many people make the assumption that I make thousands of dollars. I wish! I don’t and I am responsible for all my own taxes ( those review products have taxes due I then each year) as well as Heath care and more. I live campaign to campaign and there are some months when I am not sure we will make it. Edgar works and we get survivors benefits from the Army but money is still tight.
Edgar works in construction which means he is always one job away from no job. Still I have developed a system that seems to work for us. 10% is what we are required to give and I know the many of you are going to criticize me but here is what I do. Every time I get paid I tithe a little from that payment.
For example lets say I earn $100 on a campaign. After PayPal fees I en up with about $90. $15 of that goes into the taxes fund which helps pay the taxes due each year and ensures we have the money. $5 goes into the holiday savings so that we have the money for Christmas while another $10 goes into the emergency fund. That leaves us with$50 for that campaign and I tithe $10 of it to my church who luckily accepts Paypal which means it I tithes as soon as i get it.
I tithe what we can afford. Although there are the occasions when there is $20 in mg account and I tithe $20 of it. I feel like this is between me and god and he understands our struggles. If I tithe 10% every single time I get paid some bills may not get paid or food may not be bought.
This is a tough subject and it is tough to give 10% I know we don’t but I hope we can get there one day. We give what we can each week. I know it should be more and I feel bad about it. I suppose we really all just need to trust God more to provide.
It is hard to trust God to provide when you are deciding between food and something else. I think God understands that about us humans.
This is hard, we have our own business and some weeks and months are hard, some people pay their invoices right away others make it linger on and one while others just don’t pay, I tith what I can, some weeks more than others, in the end it balances out, God knows your struggles and he’ll provide, he always does.
IT is hard and I am right there with about invoices not being paid and such. However I am thankful that God has given me a job I love and the ability to do it.
The Father of our church once told my mother that you give what you can but not so much that your family is suffering. That God doesn’t want us to suffer. That was when my mother was the only one working and my father was very sick with cancer. She was trying to care for my father will raising 5 kids on a part-time job. So on the weeks we give a little less, I always think of the Father sitting at our kitchen table telling us that it isn’t about the amount you give it’s about remembering to give.
What a wonderful way to put it. I will remember this will I have less to give.
I think that you are doing far more than many people who CAN afford to tithe 10%. The 10% amount was asked before the days of our outlandish taxes, insurance costs, etc. We do the same as you do, tithe what we can. I believe that God understands. If not, I could not sleep at night.