Toothbrushes meet OraLine the “New Way to Fight Germs” System and I will tell you that I didn’t think about how much we needed something like this until we got one to review. As you already know the bathroom is one of the most germ filled rooms in the house and our toothbrushes just sit out there in the open. We then take those very brushes and put them into our mouths, talk about cross contamination! It’s super gross when you think about it and boy did I ever think about all those germs just sitting there when I started learning more about cross contamination.
We were sent OraLine Kit which includes:
*UV Sanitizer
*12 Tubes of BBGUM Toothgel
*1 set of 6 Customized Toothbrushes
For only $59.95
Can believe that? 12 full tubes of toothpaste, not those little travel size ones and a full set of customized toothbrushes. The toothbrushes are so cute. You can select to have your child’s picture and name put on them or one of the little graphic that are available on the site. I love that the kit includes a toothbrush sanitizer because it is the best way to fight germs. You know your toothbrush will be clean for the next time you brush and there is no worry about cross contamination.
I was curious to find out what our dentist thinks of the OraLine system and how it improved my children’s overall dental health so I took them in a few weeks prior to receiving our system and ask our dentist to rate their mouths on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst mouth ever. He rated them at about a 7 which he said would be about average for their ages. I am taking them back this week and give you an update soon.
Did I mention that OraLine is currently offering a complete set for just $59.95! Plus you if your one of the first 100 to order you get a gift bag!
Ohmygosh, the toothbrush holding unit is even cute!
My kids are kind of big for these now but have 6 grandkids, 3 are from one family and they would love this! (Plus the mommy’s sister is a dentist so she will def ask about this:)
I am a HUGE believer in dental health first of all…with 9 kids on a farm and no preventative dental care OR flouride, my teeth ended up being the worst in our family (some of it was from poor health and illnesses as a child). When you figure that they found many health issues as adults linked to poor dental health, it is just a given that we place it as utmost importance…AS important as what we eat is taking care of what we CAN.
I know, cross contamination is disgusting. I remember on Dr. Oz ? I heard the germ spray from a toilet containing urine or fecal matter can go 8 feet? And we keep our toothbrushes OPEN and just feet away on our sink countertop. Ewwwww!!!
I do have a small UV unit we use now, but still…placement and REplacement of our toothbrushes is so important:)