Sometimes you can look at your bank account and be shocked to find you have significantly less in there than you thought. It’s not an uncommon issue, as spending more than you realize you are is easily done. Although those small purchases might not seem expensive at the time, when you add them all together, you might find that you’re easily spend upward of $50 a week on random things. If you want to manage your finances better, whether you’re trying to save or just want to be thriftier, here are a few useful tips.
Set a Budget
Set yourself a monthly or weekly budget and stick to it. Consider how much you spend on groceries a week and perhaps even take the time to meal plan so you’re only buying in the ingredients and other products you need. Take into account your travel expenses if you run errands during the week or travel to work and how much they cost you each day. Once you have seen what you need to spend each week, then you can decide how much extra you have/want to spend on other things.
Cut Back on Luxuries
If you want to start spending less and saving more money, you will have to make some sacrifices. Luxury items like branded beauty products or household items you can swap for the store’s ones. If you like to go out for dinner once a week, perhaps make it once every two weeks or once a month. You should also look at any subscriptions you use and consider which ones you can say goodbye to, at least temporarily, until you have saved enough money or achieved your other financial goals. You can see more here about how to set your financial goals.
Change Your Bank and Energy Providers
Another way you could get more for your money is by looking at what kind of interest rates and deals your bank can offer you. Find out if they have any loyalty schemes or programs to help you manage your money. You can also use comparison sites to compare them with other accounts from different banks to find one that suits you. In addition to this, look at potentially swapping your energy provider to save on your bills and your car and home insurance.
Find Discounts
There is always some form of sale going on somewhere, or there are discount stores and codes available to use. For example, these Kohls coupons can help you to save money on your favorite brands and products at their stores, and there are similar coupons available online for all kinds of brands. Taking the time to find these offers online or in physical stores is a great way to spend less, especially on bigger purchases.
Use Helpful Software And Websites
There are thousands of different programs and pieces of software that will be able to help you figure out how best to work with your money. The likes of QuickBooks are around to work with business, but they can also improve your personal finances, too. If you’re looking to sell on eBay, for instance, then you could use an ebay seller fees calculator to work everything out before making any commitments. There is plenty out there that can walk you through your financial journey.
Make a Spreadsheet
Another useful way to manage your finances better is by creating a spreadsheet to keep track of your monthly or weekly spending. It will help you to see where you can make some cutbacks and remind you of upcoming bills or other payments so you can prepare for them. If you don’t want to use a spreadsheet, simply write it all down in a notebook or a word document instead.
Keeping track of your finances isn’t always easy, but it is important. Become more efficient at managing your money with these useful tips.
Mary Kirkland says
I always set a budget for each month. Those are good tips.