Every have a day where you feel like anything that could go wrong not only does but will. Yesterday was that day for me. I was so behind from the moment the clock went off. At least that is how it felt.
First I slept horribly the night before because Sam was in the bed with me. He asked if he could sleep with me and right now I won’t tell him no. However, my little guy fidgets. He tosses and turns and flips all over the place. So that means I woke up once to him down near the bottom of the bed and then another time because his head flopped down onto my chest. It doesn’t make for easy sleeping. We now have therapy in the early morning followed by breathing treatments.
That means I am currently working late afternoons and nights. Well I overslept my alarm by about thirty minutes. No big deal though because Ma has been wonderful about getting the older kids dressed, fed, and on the bus. My uncle walks them to and from the bus stop in the mornings and afternoons since he has to walk some each day. So it all works out. Maggie sleeps in and stays with Ma and my uncle until we get back. I don’t want her to get freaked out at the hospital or anything. We’re running late but not too bad. Get to our therapy appointment and my guess is that everyone has a Tuesday appointment or something because when I walked in the girl at the front said they were running super behind. I mentioned that we had a breathing treatment appointment as well and she said she would take care of that. We don’t do the breathing treatments at home yet because the doctor wants to monitor Sam during them right now.
Three hours after our therapy appointment we leave and head to the doctor’s office who has gone to lunch. Luckily his nurse put us down for the first appointment after lunch that they had due to a cancellation. All in all we ended up spending the whole day in town for two appointment that had been only taking up the morning. That led to having a grumpy little boy who just wanted a nap on my hands. Followed by his twin sister at home in an uproar when I came through the door and two older kids who decided they needed to be in bad moods as well. I sat down to attempt to get some work done but when the twins both crawled into my lap to sleep I knew that wasn’t happening. We ended up with an early night for everyone and a hope that today would be better. As I sit here in the waiting room writing this article to post later I can tell you may be a close call!
Tell about the worst day that you have had recently. What made it so bad? Did you do anything to make it better?
Stay strong girl
My Mom’s health is not good at all. She is stubborn at times, and refuses to go the doctor when the medication he provides would help with the pain. We got into a spat when I tried to convince her to go to the doctor. Not a good day at all.
One of the worst? Our roof is leaking and I mean in a dozen places. We have a Home Depot card that was older but had $500 + on it. It had gotten wet in hubbys wallet. Corporate is saying ‘too bad’. Now I cant afford to fix the roof.
Want me to go on? I could for real.
I am sad mad and upset and it continues andcontinues.
I hope your Sam gets better quickly.
I wish I got your newsletters more frequently, I cant even keep up on your blog or on social media, I dont have time anymore////////