Today I turn the big 40 and I would love to tell you that it was this Earth shattering event but sadly not even a blip on the seismograph happened so far. Which in most places could actually be a good thing. I also heard that once you reach the big ages it was downhill from there. The truth is that I don’t feel any different this morning than I did yesterday morning.
I believe that you are simply as old as you feel and I don’t feel as though I am forty. Maybe that is something that will hit me later. In fact this evening I may be huddle down somewhere drinking away but chances I won’t be. Birthdays for me have never been overly important, just any other day. I make a big deal out of the kids and even the old people up in the house (if you are a new follower I’m not being mean with that crack. Life is rough sometimes at Shady Pines.)
In fact I think the only time a birthday really mattered to me was the year that everyone forgot. I’m talking even my daddy who by the way helped deliver me since I was born at home. I went to work and no one said a word. He called me late in the day and asked why I didn’t say anything. It somehow just didn’t seem right and by the time I got home that night I was over my snit I had gotten in over it.
Today though I am taking a full day off, making myself an Irish Tea Cake in celebration (I will share the recipe with you later) and just enjoy myself. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Have a good day doing whatever you want…or not doing anything Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day and do something you love and relax.
Happy Birthday Rita. Have a blessed day