Okay since we are heading out on vacation what does that mean for the blog? After all I still have to work but how will I manage all of that? Well it means a couple of things for the blog. Sunday Review posts will still happen. Monday-Friday daily posts will be on hold for now. When I come back in July those will start again.
I have about two weeks of reviews that will still post each day. Those are all items that I received prior to leaving and have been able to complete everything ahead of time. The last couple of weeks I will be doing is posting information and pictures about places we visit and things we do. There will a lot more pictures coming in June!
There will still be some giveaways. Some I have again scheduled and have ready. Others will be things that I come up with along the way. We are going to be gone for about five weeks so there will be plenty of things shared with you all. So while the blog is sort of taking a vacation as well I will still around. Please note though that giveaways will be closed out on Mondays regardless of the date they end while in vacation mode. Also emails will only be check once a day so bear with me.
Thanks for all the giveaways, the reviews and all that you do Rita!! I hope you enjoy your vacation!! 🙂