I love info graphics like this! I find it so interesting to know what other people do to celebrate. I am surprised that the 35-44 age range celebrated the most. I would have thought it would have skewed younger. My husband and I also spend WAY less than the national average!
Sarah Hayessays
this is neat! I enjoyed ready all the info in the graph and was really surprised at which age group celebrate Vday the most.
Jeena Bittenbendersays
I love Infographic!! I was surprised by the ages. You would think school age kids. Interesting…
Michelle Ssays
Very interesting information! Lots of money being spent on Valentines Day! We decided to do a early night out yesterday (Friday) and just did appetizers and wine.
I love info graphics like this! I find it so interesting to know what other people do to celebrate. I am surprised that the 35-44 age range celebrated the most. I would have thought it would have skewed younger. My husband and I also spend WAY less than the national average!
this is neat! I enjoyed ready all the info in the graph and was really surprised at which age group celebrate Vday the most.
I love Infographic!! I was surprised by the ages. You would think school age kids. Interesting…
Very interesting information! Lots of money being spent on Valentines Day! We decided to do a early night out yesterday (Friday) and just did appetizers and wine.