I am Roman Catholic and it wasn’t all that long ago that women were required to cover their heads when they entered church. That has long since gone away and I hadn’t done it in a long time before I was married. However in a lot of Latino cultures and churches women still cover their heads so once I was married I began doing it out of respect. I had like one or two decent head scarves but learned when I had to attend three back to back funerals in January that I was in need of something better. Veils by Lily came to the rescue! Now if I am ever in need of something better I have it.
Veils by Lily are beautiful handmade head scarves that are mad with the modern woman in mind. Which is super important because my old ones were actually hand me downs from my Grandmother. They served their purpose but it was past time to retire them.
I received two exquisite scarves in essential wardrobe colors. The Starter Veil one is perfect for those moments that require black. The lace is beyond belief it is so stunning and perfect. Now I don’t use any pins or hair combs in my hair when I put these one (some women do and you can order mini combs already attached) but I like mine to just lay on top of my head. The length is great because it rests on my shoulders but isn’t too long that it gets in the way.
If you have never been to a Catholic church what I mean by get in the way is that we do a lot of sitting, standing, and kneeling and I have had them slip off in the past. So if you are not use to wearing a head covering then a mini comb is the way to go. The Authentic Spanish Seville Mantilla in white is my nod to the Latino culture that brought me back to covering my head. This is simple beautiful and every time I wear it I get complements on it.
As you can see the detail is simply divine and you really cannot go wrong with any sort of Spanish or French lace for that matter. No I am not bias just stating a fact. This is the perfect special occasion veil or could even be used for a bride. I think I am going to get the girls one of these for their first communion veils. A sort of way to pay tribute to their heritage at the same time.
I actually received three veils but after a little consideration I thought that some of you might like a chance to experience the beauty of Veils by Lily. After all there are so many different veils they have including their Infinity Veils which I like as well. So I decided that I would giveaway the Starter Veil in Off-White. Above is simply me holding it but it looks just like the black Starter Veil shown up top. Enter below for your chance to win. Giveaway ENDS August 21, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST and is OPEN Worldwide.
The Authentic Spanish Seville Mantillas are so beautiful!!
I think the infinity scarf mantillas are just beautiful.
I really like the Infinity Scarf Mantillas
French Bouquet Mantillas is my favorite because it looks quite similar to what my mom made for herself on her own wedding.
Infinity Scarf Mantillas looks beautiful to me.
thanks for chance! 🙂
love Metallic Chantilly Lace Mantilla and Short Floral Lace Mantillas
I love the Infinity Scarf Mantillas. They are so delicate and beautiful!
Infinity Scarf Mantillas great looking
these are beauuutiful! i hope i can give it to my girlfriend :]
The design is amazing
Love all you veils, hard to chooses
Love all of them