Science has proven that spending time outdoors not only relieves stress, but is good for your health overall. Just five minutes outside is all it takes to have a positive effect on your mood and lower stress levels.
Everyone experiences being stressed from time to time. It is a natural physical reaction to things that we encounter on a daily basis. For those who love the outdoors, we are lucky to have a place that help us feel less stressed or no stress at all. If you find your usual spot isn’t helping to clear your mind, consider one of these activities to burn off the stress.
Shooting Guns
The safest way to shoot a gun is either in a shooting range or in the great outdoors. When shooting outside, you expose yourself to vitamin D, which is enriching for your skin, body and mind. It is a great way to relieve stress due to the amount of concentration that is needed to hit your target. When focusing on your target, you naturally slow your heart rate while bringing attention to your breath to ensure you exhale as you pull the trigger. The adrenaline and endorphins that naturally occur after pulling the trigger also help to combat stress. If you’re not quite ready for a firearm, try an airsoft rifle until you are more comfortable for the full force.
Have you ever heard of “runner’s high”? It is a euphoric state of mind that runners reach after a certain amount of time or distance spent running. It is said to be a perfect combination of endorphins and breath work that helps to achieve this state of nirvana. Your mind may get the best of you early in your run, but try to concentrate on the passing trees, wildflowers and search for signs of wildlife. Make sure to hold proper running form as to not add to any tension that may be occurring in your neck as a result of stress.
Take Your Dog Out
Dogs are sure to help you forget you were ever stressed to begin with. Take your dog (or borrow a friend’s) to a remote area or a place that allows dogs to be let off leash. Throw a ball or Frisbee for them and feed off their delight and excitement of being in the outdoors with you. “Playing with or petting an animal can increase levels of stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol,” Animal Smart reports. Combined with the stress-relieving benefits of the great outdoors, you are sure to be feeling fine with your canine.
My son received a new shotgun for Christmas from us. He and his Dad enjoy going out doing clay shooting.
I just enjoy walking around my lake and watching the changes the seasons bring.
I agree about taking the dog out, I love going for walks it does relieve stress
Running outdoors is my sanity!
Totally agree with all three! Just something about getting outdoors that is good for the soul. Running is my favorite anti-stress outdoor activity.
Shooting is awesome!
I like to walk through our local botanical garden.