I managed to get a ton of work done this week so decided I would take the weekend and spend it with the kids having fun.
We don’t really have anything planned at all. We are going to do whatever we feel like at the spur of the moment and within reason. I hope that each and every one of you enjoy your weekend!
Good for you! I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your time with the kids.
I always love spontaneous weekends where I leave the housework behind and just spend quality time with my girls.. it doesn’t happen often because my house is normally a mess but I love those moments where I can step away.
I love having no busy plans for the weekend. Some of the most happy memories come from unplanned times. I love not feeling rushed and can take a break and relax.
What a precious smile on a precious little person. You are blessed to see that face each morning – but I know I’m telling you anything you don’t know 🙂
We are suppose to have some really great tempuratures this weekend. Sounds like a perfect weekend for outside fun. I love outside weekends in the winter.
so much for our plans. colds have taken over our house so maybe next weekend.
What a wonderful thing to do! So often I feel like I spend my weekends on chores, chores, chores. I worry that my children will only remember that I was always in the kitchen. At least they like to cook with me sometimes! Whenever possible, I like to take a day and have them be the bosses of me and decide what we’re going to do (within reason).
I wish that I had taken time to spend more weekends with my son when he was little. At the time I was working full-time with a large company that took all my time. Trying to make ends meet I had to work a lot of weekends. I wish I hadn’t now that I look back.
LOVE the moments that just arise!! 😀 The main thing is to always have fun with your kiddies and make sure to always listen to them. We sometimes forget this as adults. Glad you had fun!!!