When I first starting doing these weekly prayer requests I wasn’t sure if anyone really wanted them. However I am so glad that they have had such a positive response from everyone. If you are new here this is simply a way to ask for prayers for whatever you may need in your life at the moment. You don’t have to give anything, there is no requirement to participate.
All that we ask is that you take a minute and pray for those you are in need as we will all be praying for you. I list a Bible verse each week and what I think about it. Feel free to join that discussion as well, again there i no pressure. Whatever you feel comfortable with is fine. This week we are talking about patience which is something that I work hard at. My favorite thing to say to the kids is:
“Patience is a virtue”
I am not sure where I got that from but it is something that I have always remembered. My daddy used to say that I was patient to a fault.That is something that wore thin as I got older.
Proverbs 15:18
A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. (NIV)
Boy can I ever tell you how true that particular verse is!
Weekly Prayer Requests
Lord we ask that you bless each and every person who leaves a request and those who don’t. Grant them peace and serenity in their daily lives.We thank you for each and very blessing that you give with each passing day. ~Amen
My dad came to visit me yesterday for my birthday and at one point he told me that I was being “mean”. It hurt my feelings, but he was right. I find that my patience and “tongue” both become short when my pain level is high. I need to learn to hold my tongue when I don’t feel well. Please pray for me and my family as I continue by battle, no my War with my Lupus. Bless everyone at your home and those who visit here today.
It is interesting that you write about patience. I pray for my husband to have more patience, he is probably the most impatient person I have ever known. I makes life tough on a daily basis. Please pray for him that God would give him a more patient spirit.
“A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. ”
Proverbs 15:18
Patience is a good thing in this world.
what a nice idea to have verses and prayer requests. I would be grateful for prayer for some special guidance from God about some hard things I need to make decisions about. thank u.
I am so glad you like the idea of it all. I will be praying for you.
I always remember “Treat others as you would like to be treated”. My mom used to say that to us kids all the time. Then she started to say to us kids “Pretty is as Pretty does”. I have turned into my mother because I say that to my kids all the time.
Wow what a neat idea!! I know we all need prayer and esp in the area of patience…. Well I know I do!!!! 😉
I tell my kids that too. Patience is harder now I think, with the world moving so fast. I to struggle with this, but I am trying to work on it!
It’s nice to see someone writing about God and prayer. Having this space for prayer requests is nice too. Thank you.