I am going to be honest and say this post is late today because I am just not feeling it. I don’t feel like praying, I don’t feel like giving thanks for anything. I am angry, bitter, and hurt, and I just want to be left alone at the moment. I know I shouldn’t be but I am and there is nothing that can be done about it.
I could spend some time and find things to be thankful for and I know there are things to be thankful for. There are things tho pray for as well but God and I are not friends at the moment and I would rather give him the same silent treatment he has been giving me lately. I know that sounds so childish but it is simply how I feel right this second. Who knows later in the day things may improve. I feel as though I am running towards a door that the closer I get to open it the farther away it seems.
I hope that you all have a much better day than me and please remember to leave your prayer requests and thanks below.
Rita I pray that you will feel more of God’s presence in your life right now. He is always with us, I know it is hard when thing don’t go the way we plan but God’s design for our lives is perfect and perfect in relation to the benefit of all people. Please pray for my son as he is having a tough time behavior wise. I am thankful for my family and Jesus.
Denise, Thank you for your prayers and I will pray for you son and your family.
Thank you, Rita, for being honest about what you are going through. I can certainly understand, as I’ve been through those times, as well. My week started off on very rocky ground, but by the end of it, I felt closer to God. I will say a prayer for you, asking God to help you through the troubling times and to reveal Himself to through it.
Jimmy, Thank you for your prayers and I am so glad that you week ended up better than it started.
Rita don’t think twice about it. This is what makes us human. Our struggles with life, faith, the world in general. No one can be expected to just not question things in life. I know the people in the Bible didn’t question but things are different now. It is okay to be angry, question God, and even feel alone. You have gone through more then anyone else I know in the last year. I would be going through the same thing. I also think it’s part of the normal grieving process. There have been times I have been angry at God for all you have had to endure this year or so. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tammy thank you so much! Today is a fresh new day and things will look up, they always do.
You never know, but last week may have been the week for you to be a light for someone else. With you posting this, there are others who now know that they aren’t alone in how they feel about their faith sometimes. No one has complete Faith 100% of the time. If we are all being true to ourselves, having faith will always be an uphill battle.
I hope things are looking up. I really appreciate your honesty. We are all human and if this is where you are at the moment, so be it.