Today is Parents Day! So happy Parents Day to all of you parents out there. Take a little time to thank your own parents today! If not for them there is no telling where you may be in the life. I am very thankful for the parents that I was given in this life. Although my relationship with my mother has not always been easy and there are some stressed times still she is the person I would like to be. My father was also so amazing and the man who taught me what love and compassion truly is. I will be praying for all of you this week and I hope that you all have a truly blessed week.
Happy Parents Day Rita, 🙂
I want to give God thanks to my health. I was so afraid of some tests I had to do the past few weeks and on Monday I had my last results. Everything is as it should be with my original medications and diagnosis. In other words, I have something fairly common and the threat of having something more serious is off the table for now. I just now need to stay on track and keep my regularly scheduled appointment in September.
Prayers that I continue to feel better and that we find a home soon. Finding a home is stressful.
Diana C
I did not know that today was parents day,,I thank me parents daily for all that they have done for me and also for all that they have given and helped with my family, they truly are the best parents ever.
Happy Parents Day! I knew it was parents day and thanked my mother this morning. I thanked her for all she has done and taught us kids all these years. I know how lucky I am to have the mother I have.
I am very thankful for my entire family! I feel so blessed to have each and every one of them daily! My parents are the best for raising 6 kids. I am lucky to still have them in my life, they offer me great support and guidance.
I didn’t know there was such a thing as parents day. I really do have the best mom ever and I can’t tell you how thankful I am for her.
i want to thank my parents for instilling the drive and passion i have for life within me and teaching me so many wonderful things as i grew up and still today. i have learned so much from them.