THANK God November is over!! I typically love this month of the year but I am so glad that it is finally over and even though I know that December is going to be even more hectic than usual I can live with that. When it is hectic the days usually fly by and you don’t seem to notice as much. Everyone around seems to have cabin fever or something. That have been screaming and pulling hair among other things.
I keep threatening to cancel Christmas but no one pays me any attention. I am thankful that I was able to find a few moments of peace and I pray that I am able to do just that each and every day. If I can manage just five minutes each day alone in utter silence I know that I will manage to get through the rest of the year.
I know what you mean. It just seems like it gets crazier and crazier around here the last few months of the year. I think it has to do with the build up to Christmas. My kids wouldn’t believe me either if I threatened to cancel Christmas.
As always you and your family are in my prayers. I would like a few extra prayers sent my way. My Fibromyalgia pain is through the roof. I am hoping things get better soon. Thanks!
I’m thankful for the amazing support system that I have (my family) and above all my God 🙂
I can’t believe the year is almost over!! It’s insane!!
I would like to send a prayer request, if that’s okay!
This Christmas will be the first Christmas my grandma will be spending with out my grandpa, her husband of almost 60 years.. She acts like she’s doing fine with other people around, but it’s when she’s alone that I’m worried about!
God bless your Grandma. I’m sure it will be hard but glad she has your support. I will keep her in my prayers.
This time of year is always so hectic for us–I have to remind myself to slow down and spend quality time with my family.
Cabin fever is in full swing here too. With the cold weather, I’m reminded to be thankful that me and my family have all our basic necessities (shelter, food, clothing) and many luxuries as well. My prayers are with those that don’t. Feeling called to serve in some way, I’m not sure if now is the time, so some clarity on how/when/what I should be doing.
My kids are starting to feel the cabin fever too and it’s way too early for that. It was an awful wet summer and very cold fall though. We never got to rake leaves and jump in them or go the fall fests around town. It almost feels like we skipped fall all together. My thoughts and prayers are with you as we are a week into December (ahh!).