After some thought I decided that I would combine the weekly thanks and prayers. Maybe if we take the time to think about both it will make things a little easier in our lives. As you already know I am on a new posting schedule and this is the beginning of that schedule.
The week I am thankful for my family. As crazy and mixed up as we are I have learned that life is too short to dwell on that. I am thankful for each and every one of you who take the time to connect with me through my blogs and social media. It is because of you all that I am able to do the things I do. Mostly I am thankful to God who never gives up on me even when I fail.
Prayer Requests……
This week I ask that you all say a little prayer for me. I have been a bit off track so to speak and need a little help getting back where I should be. Please know that I pray for each of you. Also take the time to leave your prayer requests below.
I will have you in my prayers, I’m also thankful for the family that I have been blessed with, some days are challenging but I love them no matter.
Families can be challenging but all we can do is love them through it all.
I just said a little prayer for you. Please pray for my daughter she hasn’t been playing in her basketball games much lately. I am thankful for all the ways God has blessed my life: family, home, and employment are just a few.
Thank you. I will pray for her, I know that she is an amazing player. I pray that God gives her the play time she deserves.
I am thankful for my family & friends that are always there for me. Even when I don’t realize I need their help.
I ask for your prayers for my daughter who is still having some health problems. Please pray that the doctor figure it out.
I pray they are able to help her and that God lifts her up in his grace.
sending more prayers.