There’s a wave of body dissatisfaction sweeping across society. While bookstore shelves are well-stocked with tomes on how to overcome body image problems, very few take a faith-based, much less Catholic, approach to self-healing. Weightless: Making Peace With Your Body speaks not only to those who may have faced an eating disorder, but also to anyone who wants to live an abundant life, unencumbered by our culture’s obsession with thinness, physical beauty, youth, or food.
Weightless Making Peace with Your Body by: Kate Wicker is a book that I could relate to on just about every level. As an overweight woman I have spent years obsessed with my body image. As a mother I don’t want my daughter to go through the things I have gone through. Kate Wicker takes you through her personal stories of struggling with weight issues. I love the story of her taking her daughters to have ice cream for lunch and then feeling guilty because she didn’t want them to use food to deal with their feelings. Wicker also provides meditations that can help you reshape how you view yourself nit ti mention the spiritual tools needed to address common struggles.
I began this book at the same time I began to review a diet book. I will say that I have gotten more from Weightless than I have ever gotten from any other book. For once here is a book that doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself because you are overweight, underweight, or any other issue you have. Kate Wicker simply provides you with the information and tools needed to not only make the changes necessary but a way to find the beauty in ourselves that God sees in us.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Weightless – Making peace with your body. They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.
Thanks for the great info dog I owe you bgitgiy.