Talk about feeling like the white rabbit today! I have been running around all morning thinking “I’m late! I’m late!” Not late as is on oh good lord this can’t be happening at this point in my life. HA! Late as in I have a set schedule for what hours I will work each day and today nothing has gone as planned.
I get up super early on Thursdays because it is trash day. At around 7:30 I take the trash down the road to the main street area. Today we had a few more boxes than normal so four trips late (I kid you not) I managed to lock myself out of the house. In my pajamas!! I rang the doorbell for twenty minutes before anyone bothered to open the door.
It’s been downhill from there but I’m attempting to get back on track today. I have several articles that I will be posting as well as tomorrow. I refuse to give up until I get everything done for the day. Some weeks are like that in life and as late as I am today I wouldn’t trade my life for anything in the world.
I’ve had many days like that! I actually thought yesterday was Thursday not Wednesday so I had the whole family confused with what was happening.
I’ve had many days..you just have to laugh about it and move forward..there will be more of these days
Well, it seems you survived! We’ve all had days like that, for sure. The hard part is just chalking it up and getting on with things. I can sympathize with the early trash call, but my solution is that I put it out late the previous afternoon. It took a while to get used to it, but it has saved me much early-morning anxiety on trash days.