Many of us ride a motorcycle each day on the roads to travel to and from a destination. It can be an enjoyable and pleasant way to travel, however, even if you’re an experienced and cautious motorcyclist, accidents can occur. This is often through no fault of your own, leaving you injured and your vehicle damaged. If you have been involved in an accident, you could contact a law firm and speak with lawyers dealing with motorcycle accidents for more information.

Common accidents
Accident studies have shown that crashes are often commonly caused by other vehicles pulling out in the path of a motorcyclist, or failure to negotiate a bend, or loss of control (due to high speed or a poor road surface). Other road users must respect motorcyclists and understand the challenges they face on the roads. Click the link for more details on motorcycle safety. In the immediate aftermath of a crash, there are a few steps you can take to ensure you are safe and protected.
Assess any damage to yourself or your vehicle
An accident can be a terrifying and shocking experience but it’s important to try to remain calm and stay where you are to assess the situation. If you are injured then try not to move to prevent further damage. Call for help and wait for the emergency services to arrive. Or if your injuries are more minor then you may decide to get yourself to the hospital or a doctor. It’s recommended to get yourself checked out even if you don’t think your injuries are significant. You may have an injury that could progress and develop into a problem if not treated quickly. If you’re not injured (and it’s safe to do so) then remove your bike and any debris from the road.
Take a record of the crash
If you are in a fit state to evaluate the situation, then record the details of the accident, such as, location, date and time, who else was involved along with vehicle details. Take photos of the accident and cars involved as you may need to provide evidence further down the line. Speak to any witnesses and take their details as you may need them to make a statement in the future.
Contact the emergency services
If you’ve been involved in any form of an accident, big or small, it’s sensible to call the police to record the accident, as you may need a crime number later down the line if you need to make a claim. If the accident is serious, you will need to call the emergency services. It’s also wise to contact your insurance agent to immediately inform them of the accident and provide them with the information you have previously recorded.
When can you claim for your motorbike accident?
If you think the accident has been caused by a third party, then it’s likely you’ll have grounds to make a claim. This could be another road use driving without care or attention on the roads or local authorities who have failed to maintain the road or traffic light system.
Prevention is the best cure
It’s important to make sure you’re as safe as possible when you’re traveling on your motorbike. Be sure you always ride in the correct apparel and always keep your motorcycle insurance up to date.