Disclosure: I am bringing this post to you through my partnership with Cottonelle, their new Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths, and sharing the news about their #LetsTalkBums campaign.
That is the question that I asked my father many years ago. However it was not that calmly asked. It was more like “Hey Daddy, there are two toilets in this bathroom!” He then came into the room, told me to stop yelling like a Fish Woman and that there was not two toilets in that bathroom, one was a toilet and one was a bidet. Then came the “What’s a bidet?” question of which he promptly told me to go and ask my mother as it was something she would need to explain. After the discussion with her being the inquisitive 10-year-old that I was I felt I needed to try that thing out. I mean imagine it, I could clean my bum with very little effort. It is every child’s dream!
Later when I began changing diapers I saw the sheer beauty of the bidet in a condensed size, the wet wipe! It is so perfect! Think about it for a moment, we clean the baby completely with a wet wipe. There is no chance of, forgive me but for lack of a better word, skid marks. That is what my brothers called them when we were going up. Babies don’t really have that problem but older children do (and if we are all honest here we have at one time or another.)
We do all of that for a baby but just use dry toilet paper for ourselves. Well I use to do that, now I use the Cottonelle Care Routine which is dry paper and then flushable cleansing cloths together. I don’t have to worry about skid marks or anything else that is gross. I have one super clean bum! The sleek new dispenser sits on the back of my toilet at the ready. I have one that is int he diaper bag as well for when we are out and about.
Talk It Out
Tell Cottonelle all about your thoughts on the Cottonelle Care Routine at Facebook
Your First Bidet
When was the first time you ever used a bidet?
Disclosure: I am bringing this post to you through my partnership with Cottonelle, their new Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths, and sharing the news about their #LetsTalkBums campaign.
I have never used a bidet, but I sure would like to have one in my bathroom. Who has a bidet in their bathroom though? I like Cottonelle cleansing wipes because they really work, and they are not that expensive! Great product!
I have used a bidet before and it is a shocking the first few times. LOL I think it’s awesome that Cottonelle is making travel packs. I think they would be awesome to take on trips and to have in your purse for emergency situations.
Tammy I agree! I am picking some up today and putting them in the car!
I keep Cottonelle wipes in both bathrooms. I prefer a clean bum myself. I have never used a bidet and honestly, though embarrassed, don’t know how. I also use the wipes on my dog.
I have only ever saw a bidet in the movie/tv sittuations! I always wondered about them. and as far as wipes david is obsessed with some wipes in the bathroom, esp cotonelle..my mom got some with some coupons really cheap and he keeps asking her for them when we run out lol
I’ve never seen a bidet in any bathroom in my travels as a real estate agent. I guess there just isn’t much demand. Many builders in my area are going for the old fashioned tub, though!
I have never seen a bidet, but I’ve heard of them. I think they sound a little strange. Now for the Cottonelle. I LOVE Cottonelle!!! It is my very favorite toilet paper. I’m going to get some at the drug store later today because they have a great sale on cottonelle. I have been using the wipes too since they came out. I love a clean butt!
I have spent a fair amount of time in Europe, and so I am quite familiar with a bidet. It would be wonderful if we used them in the US. I must say, however, that I hate the French system of having the toilet and the sink in separate rooms. I don’t quite get this system.
I love the concept of a bidet. I used them in Spain. They are quite practical. I have never seen one here in the US, however.