It’s that just the question of the century! We all know how own worth but if you have ever had to file a worker’s compensation claim then you know what your company or rather their insurers feel you are worth. Luckily for me I have never had to personally file one of those claims but way back when I worked out in the public sector I had to file plenty on behalf of the company I worked for. I also had to help my mother with her claim back when she worked. So I have been on both sides of the fence so to speak.
It’s funny because when you think about yourself you don’t think anything like your ears may only be worth $76,100. That sounds too crazy right? I mean if you were to ask me personally I would tell you that my ears ares worth a heck of lot more than that. In fact I am pretty sure that they are priceless and I have no intention of damaging or losing one in any possible way. Of course I may be picky that way God only knows. Of course I guess that is not as bad as the black market value of around $3300 for my heart. REALLY!! The truth is we never think about anything like that because we don’t have to. We just go to the doctor or the hospital and let the insurance companies worry about those sort of things. Of course I have to say that the black market value of around $1200 for my gallbladder is a whole less than what the hospital charged me to remove the thing.
Seeing all those numbers sort of makes you feel unimportant doesn’t it? It’s funny that to most companies, doctors, hospitals, whatever we are nothing more than a number. The sad thing is that many aren’t even shocked by those numbers. It is simply the world we live in and we have gotten use to more than we ever should have to. One day we will realize just how much more than numbers that we all are.
It is such a strange thought, isn’t it? $1200 for a gallbladder- you’d have to pay me a lot more than that to go through that surgery again! We were watching a show last night where big celebrities go through dangerous outdoor adventures and laughed about what Kate Winslet’s face must be insured from! Those lists are funny to read sometimes; like how much a pro pitcher’s pinky is worth millions. 🙂
It is ironic how numbers come into play. My cousin’s daughter had her liver fail at just 16 years old. She needed a transplant within days or she would die. Within 24 hours, a new liver was found and she is now in college doing great. Unfortunately, her family has a lot money and people assumed that her new liver purchased. Her miracle was priceless – was my answer!
After my husband’s head on collision it’s been a see what your actually valued at is down right disgusting..come on!
I’ve never had any sort of workmens comp issues and it’s unsettling to read it layer out like that. I don’t believe that you can place a value on ourselves but at the same time people do need to be compensated it situations. It’s definitely food for thought!
Very interesting to think that our body parts have a value with filing a claim for Worker’s Compensation. I think that my gallbaldder is worth a lot more than $1200! I think this is not a good way to value someone and what they are worth!
Post is sort of creepy, but realistic. I have never though of my worth in regards of body parts, and yes, the medical profession is impersonal and everyone is just a number.
This was good to read as I’d never really thought about it before.
The good news is we are worth so much more in God’s eyes.
Wow I never knew, and at least never really thought, about all that. It must be very interesting and enlightening to be on both sides of the equation.
I have never really thought about this although I have heard about people stealing other people’s body parts and then the person waking up in a bathtub of ice telling them to call 911 if the wanted to live. If you really do think about it, we are all based on numbers and it is sad that there is a price for anything.