Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Supercuts. However all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.
Do you have any idea who’s looking to start a business? If I was asked this question I would say just about anyone really. Well Supercuts recently did a survey of 1000 People with a net worth of over $200,000 were surveyed and I was surprised by the results.
- 56% are planning on opening or starting a business in the next 12-18 months. (Either alone or with a partner.)
- 25% are females looking to start their own business.
- 56% looking to start a business are planning on having a business partner.
- 31% of the people looking to start a business are planning on going into business with a spouse or domestic partner. (That’s roughly 10% of all respondents.)
- 30% of respondents looking to start a business are going into business with a friend and 26% are going into business with a colleague.
- Females are more likely to go into business with a spouse or domestic partner than males
Women seem to be more and more interested in business these days and a franchise can help with that in so many ways. I am starting my own media company next year (we are about half way ready to launch right now) and I can tell you that going into business is a lot of work. If there was a franchise for what I am doing I would jump at it.
I am going into business with a friend so I guess that means I would fall into the last category from the survey. Above is a handy little graph to show people are most likely to be related. It would scare me to start a business with the hubby because I would want to be in charge and so would he. We would end up fighting all the time.
I would consider opening a business, actually. It would have to be just the right thing, though. When you work for yourself you never stop! Congrats on your new venture!
Great post! I agree that women are becoming increasing interested in creating their own business, and franchises can help this dream become a possible reality. Thanks for sharing!