The Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula, scientifically called Caribena Versicolor, is a Tarantula species primarily found in Brazil’s tropical areas, the Caribbean islands of Trinidad, and Venezuela. They are noted for their unique pink legs that contrast their dark, fuzzy bodies.
Pinktoe Tarantulas are arboreal spiders that prefer dwelling on trees. If you’re looking for a lovely pet with limited needs and ease of care, then the Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula may be the right fit for you.
Why Do They Make Good Pets?
The Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula has a unique appearance with dark black and brown body and striking pink legs. Unlike most tarantulas, Pinktoes are friendly, docile, and have limited needs. The reasons that contribute to making them good pets are listed below:
- Calm Disposition: They spend most of their time in a docile, restful state in their enclosure. Pinktoes love climbing and hanging in trees and are rarely found on the ground. They are the quintessential “sit and wait” predators and move only when necessary.
- Social: While these spiders don’t need company, they have no problem sharing their enclosures with other avicularia species. They are known to be very comfortable in social settings, provided they’re given ample space, hiding spots, and enough food.
- Easy to Handle: While most tarantulas don’t like being handled, Pinktoe Tarantulas are an exception to this rule. They enjoy being held and are very friendly. They don’t bite unless they are startled or put in distress. You can quickly move the Pinktoe Tarantula from one hand to the other with controlled movements.
- Simple Food Requirements: They eat a variety of easy-to-find foods. You can feed them insects like grasshoppers, moths, crickets, and even small vertebrate prey. They love hunting and eating live insects. Live food will also satiate their predatory instincts. They are voracious eaters, so you must ensure they have enough food. It’s best to remove uneaten food within 24 hours.
- Easy to Breed: It’s easy to breed Antilles Pinktoe Tarantulas in their enclosures. However, they do have cannibalistic instincts. The female could eat the male immediately after mating. Hence, you must move one of them into a separate tank immediately after the mating process. The female will carry the eggs for 3-4 months.
- Inexpensive Habitats: These Tarantulas can sustain in habitats that are simple and relatively inexpensive to maintain. But you need to ensure that their tanks mimic their natural habitats as best as they can.
Pinktoes are originally found in tropical areas and thus require humidity. They need tanks that are spacious and have height. They love hanging in trees, so the tank must have lots of live plants, vines, and tree branches where they can rest, hide and spin webs. Soil and moss would be perfect for the surface. Ensure the tanks have secure lids, so the tarantulas don’t escape.
Pinktoe Tarantulas are medium-sized spiders that grow up to a maximum of 5 to 6 inches. They have a lifespan of up to 10 years (females live longer than males). Since they are naturally docile, they will not bite unless they feel threatened. Pink Toe Tarantulas thus make excellent pets for beginners.

My son would love to have one of these, but spiders creep me out. Even harmless ones!
I have had a couple of red legged Tarantulas in the past. This one is really pretty!