Did you know that women’s fashion is actually different form area to area across the US? Think about for a couple of minutes and it will come to you. Your style can be determined based on where you live, what influences you, as well as your own personal tastes. Sounds too good to be true? Well you know know that I am Southern girl at heart. I mean I’m a truly a sweet tea drinking, grit eating Southern girl and growing up in the South has influenced. I recently took a regional fashion quiz for the fun to determine whether I was a West Coast babe (hey I can call myself a babe if I want to), a Midwest sweetheart, a Southern belle (I am not matter what anyone says and I have the debutante pictures to prove it….call you say “Hello Ms. Scarlet?), or an East Cost fashionista.
Taking this quiz was very easy asking me things like what my favorite neutral color was and what sort of shirt that I like. In fact it took me all of about two minutes to take and was very painless. It was actually a very fun little quiz and I went into telling myself that I was going to be 100% honest with myself when giving the answers. If I didn’t like something that looked totally Southern then I wasn’t going to choose. My results were:
Result: Southern Charm
See I told you I was all about being Southern! There is nothing that makes me happier than being in my jeans and tee other than maybe dressing up a little bit. Well actually there is a really long list of other things that make me happy such as the chance to buy good beauty products on GoodBeautyProducts.com but you get the point right? I would love to know what you are if you take the quiz. This was actually very fun and I think I may have even discovered a bit of a theme for some blog posts out of all of it. I don’t do a lot of fashion posts but this may just be the year that changes a little.
I was born and raised in the Midwest – not a flannel shirt girl though. Sounds like a fun quiz – I’d be curious to know how I rate.
I know what you mean. I am a bit on the fence about a flannel shirt.
Northeast Chic??? I have never even been to the northeast! I am a southern girl. born in Louisiana and most of my life in Texas. I now live in St Louis–technically, the midwest, but with some of that New Orleans french thing going on. So this is a little bit embarrassing :/
Don’t be embarrassed! You simply like what you like and I am certain that you look great wearing it.
I think that there are obviously certain people that have a really different sense of style but I would definitely agree that style overall changes based on where you live, grew up, etc.
I wish I was one of those people that have a good sense of style but I simply where what I like.
I would love to do this with my girls..something that I will bring up the next visit with them..would be interesting to..thanks for the post
northeast chic! I think thats pretty accurate for how I wish I dressed lol . Im from the South but don’t usually like the styles here so Id say my results are spot on!
style does change around