This is a typical daily delivery for me. All of these boxes contain products to be reviewed over at Rita Reviews!
living my best possible southern life
| Rita
This is a typical daily delivery for me. All of these boxes contain products to be reviewed over at Rita Reviews!
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I really don’t know how you keep up with all the products you review. I do remember seeing your post on how you stay organized but it still amazes me that you have enough time to review everything.
Some days it is much easier than others. It has taken me a long time to get the system into place. At least one that worked well enough.
Wow, someone is going to be busy this week, yeah!! lots more great giveaways to enter
These are actually for June!
Goodness – it’s like Christmas every day! I must admit I would enjoy tearing into new packages every day. I love to discover new products.
It is like Christmas everyday. Some days I really love it but I am going to be honest and say there are some days when I just think “Why?”
All these boxes explain your why you use your white board to track them. Holy moly that means you are going to be super busy. It great for us. I love reading your reviews and finding out about new products. Can’t wait!!
Without my white board I would be lost. Things would come in and I wouldn’t know about them or I would be waiting on things that are lost.
I can’t even imagine!! One day I hope to have the dedicated readers you have & have a review to do every day!! Your blogs are some of my absolute favorites!
I so appreciate reading reviews on the blogs I follow as it is important to me to find out how others feel about a product before I consider purchasing it. I would love to do product reviews someday when I get my own place as well as have my own blog. Thank you for all that you do to keep your readers informed!