When it snowed I took this great picture of the backyard at night. Everything looked so peaceful and calm. There wasn’t a sound.
living my best possible southern life
| Rita
When it snowed I took this great picture of the backyard at night. Everything looked so peaceful and calm. There wasn’t a sound.
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Rita, This is an amazing picture!! The way the moonlight is shining on the snow is stunning. When you first glance at it it almost looks like the surface of the moon or mars. I love this picture! You have been taking some great photos lately.
Thank you Tammy! I have been practicing more and more
I really enjoy taking photos at night. I started out by taking photos of the moon through the tree tops. It wasn’t long before I realized that I need a tripod to keep the photo from blurring, because the moon is actually moving. I like the colors and tones in your picture.
Beautiful! We got big snow last week too. Our yard looked like something out of a Normal Rockwell painting. Of course, it was total insanity out on the roads, but I was tucked up safe and sound with the kids at home.
I love looking at the snow in the moonlight, great pic, I so need a good camera so I can capture some great winter pics before the snow is all gone
I doesn’t snow in the part of CA that I live but snow always does look so beautiful. Especially at night it looks so serene.