This week as you may have heard my computer cord broke and I had to pull this dinosaur out and work from it. I ha vent actually used this computer in a couple of years which meant I had to spend the whole morning updating and getting it ready to even work. Luckily it did!
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I actually like your big Dinosaur of a Laptop, it looks better than my old computer that keeps crashing. Sorry to hear that your cord broke! You are still doing a great job on your blog!
Thanks! That dinosaur runs as slow as molasses but hey it works and that is all that matters!
I guess we have to be happy for the little things ~ at least you had a back up! If it makes you feel better, your dinosaur looks very much like the one I use every day! Don’t really mind it, except like you say it is soooo slow! My son says it doesn’t have enough memory and that the hard drive is dying. Oh good grief. :o)
It does look like a dinosaur lol. Glad it worked for you. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have it as a back up plan.
What a bummer about your computer. I hope you are able to get a new one soon. I am glad you had a back up plan.
I have an old computer that is a pain in the rear to update when I have to use it. There is nothing worse then when your computer crashes or stops working and you have to use the old dinosauer.