Working from home can be absolutely fantastic. Whatever kind of work you do, there’s nothing like the freedom that you can get from working somewhere comfortable and familiar. You get far more control over your environment than if you were working in an office and you don’t have to worry about the issues of office politics and gossip between other members of staff. Of course, don’t let that fool you into think that there are no downsides to working from home. In fact, as much as people romanticize the idea, there are a lot of pitfalls that can end up making life much harder for you than it needs to be. With that in mind, here are a few common mistakes that people make when they first start working from home, and how you can avoid them.
Not treating your home like a workplace
As soon as you start working from home, then you’ve got to remember this: your home is now your office. You might be tempted to spend every day working in the pajamas and lounging in bed, but before too long that’s going to end up being a pretty unbearable setup. For one thing, it’s for too easy to let yourself be distracted when you don’t have any separation between work mode and life mode. A lot of people also forget that they should start thinking about things like security as well. You might not consider it for your home most of the time but as soon as you bring your business into it then you become a much greater target for intruders. Make sure to have a look at info on simplisafe which will give you a great idea of the kind of security measures that you should take for your home office.
Having an inconsistent schedule
There is definitely something to be said for the freedom that working from home offers you. After all, you can work at any hour you want without having to fit within standard office hours. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t set yourself a specific schedule for your workday. Without giving yourself certain limitations then you’re just going to end up treating your time frivolously and, in the end, that’s just going to lead you to waste it. By being too loose with your time, you’ll end up spending far longer on your work than if you set yourself a specific set of hours to work within.
Being too isolated
Getting away from the behavior, chatting and gossip of other people can be a great way to focus on the work that you’re doing but don’t forget, human beings are naturally pretty social creatures. Unless you’re the kind of person who really benefits from being alone the sheer level of isolation that comes with working from home can start to mess with your head a little bit. If you know anyone else who works in a similar situation to you then it might be worth getting together a couple of times a week to work with each other. That way you get the best of both worlds. Just be sure not to distract each other too much!
I think you bring up a very important point that is not often discussed, the isolation of not having coworkers to take a break with. Having fun actually brings more focus to my tasks, not less.