During lockdown, many parents have found themselves playing a far bigger role in their child’s education. For many, it has been a bit of a struggle, to say the least. But, it has also been a good thing. It has bought many parents closer to their children and helped them to better understand the challenges that they face.
Most of us have learned just how important it is that our children produce work that meets the highest possible standard and just how difficult that can be. A fact that has led parents to go online and find ways to make this process easier for them. Below, are several suggestions that will help you to equip your children to produce their best work.
A tool that ensures your child’s work is seen as being original
Unfortunately, cheating is a big problem. The pressure to do well academically is intense. There is a lot at stake. So, sadly, some parents and students give into temptation and copy other people’s work. Most educational institutions have wised up and use specialist tools to catch people who try to game the system. So, you need to make sure you avoid plagiarism. If you click the link you will be taken to a tool that you and your child can use to do that.
Importantly, this tool does not just compare what they have written with what has been published online. It also compares it with millions of books, journal articles, and other sources. If plagiarism is found it pulls in the source, so your child can add a citation to credit that source.
Enabling them to only have to lightly rewrite their work. It is a great way to pick up those occasions when your child copies something across into their document intending to rewrite it and add more information, then forgets to do so.
Take an interest
Taking an interest in your child’s work can be a big motivator for them. If they know that you are going to be reading their essays and papers as well as their teacher they will want to do an even better job.
Encourage your child to continuously improve their reading skills
Numerous studies show that people who read a lot tend to write better than those that don´t. So, it makes sense to encourage your children to read more. But, you need to make sure that they stretch themselves a little. Doing so will improve their vocabulary. Encouraging them to learn about new subjects will enable them to improve their ability to understand and absorb new information. If you are not completely convinced of the connection between becoming a mature reader and being a better writer, this academic article will tell you more.
Provide your children with the chance to use what they learn
Whenever possible provide your children with the chance to use their new skills. Knowing that what they are being taught will help them in life is an effective motivator.