The other day I talked with y’all about a TENS unit and today I wanted to share an even smaller one with you. This one is the smaller sized 30 Modes 3-in-1 TENS Unit and I will tell you that I enjoy it as much as the larger one. Once again for those who don’t remember, TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and is a method of pain relief using a mild electrical current.

It doesn’t hurt at all. At least it shouldn’t, so if it is hurting you then stop using it because you may not be using it correctly. When using correctly it feels like one of those back massagers that you use. It sort of pulsates and feels good. You can feel your muscles begin to relax when using it.
RELATED: Have You Ever Used a Tens & PMS Device? | 36 Modes 3-in-1 TENS Unit Review

As I said the 30 Modes 3-in-1 TENS Unit is smaller than the other one. This looks more like a remote control and fits easily into the palm of your hand. This unit it my travel unit since it is so small.

Once again you get all the pads you need to make using this unit easier. Remember each set of pads can be reused a hundred plus times according to AVCOO. The larger sized pads are for larger areas like your thighs or upper arms.

You get the charging cable as well as the cables for the pads. The nodes snap right onto the pads easily. There is no worry about having to press down hard or anything. I actually connect the pads to the nodes first and then stick the pad on my body. Then I plug it in. That is just easier for me.

Of course there is a bag to keep everything together with this one. Everything fits neatly in here which makes finding the pads and such much easier.
AVCOO is committed to being your trusted health partner and bringing a healthy lifestyle to every family. We always develop products such as TENS Unit Muscle Stimulator that can relieve your pain and bring you pain-free and comfortable. And in order to bring you the best product experience, we always set high standards for our technical team and quality team.
My Final Thoughts
All in all I liked the 30 Modes 3-in-1 TENS Unit it was easy to use and I loved that it was smaller than the first one. I can toss this one in my bag and pull it out to use wherever. It means not having to pack up one unit and take it on the go. I have one for travel and one for the house.
Disclosure: A huge Thank You to AVCOO for providing the device for my personal use in this post. Please Note: There are people who should not use these and please understand that I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. You should consult your own physician for questions.
Never heard of this device or even tried it before. I do like how compact it is and small and has a bag for easy storing.
This sounds like a great product. I like that it is small enough to put in your purse.
Not sure I can reach where I need these to go
I would so much to love to try a TENS unit, I have a lot of lower back pain. But I have a seizure disorder, and the doctor said no electrical stimulation for me. What a disappointment! So I have to go for steroid shots.
I use to use a TENS unit. I really liked it. I didn’t like the shocking part but I got use to it. It did help a lot with my pain and discomfort. I would definitely recommend people trying them.