Gillette produced a fun video on whether kissing is on the decline due to stubble on the man’s face. My hubby has stubble and to me it makes him look sexier and I kiss him at every single chance that I get. Check out the video and tell me what you think! You can find out more at
Diana C says
Jaja! This is so hilarious!
My thoughts…hmm. My hubby looks hot when he’s got a little stubble. But I love kissing him when he’s just shaven.
Tammy S says
This is cute. My husband has a full beard. So I don’t mind the hair. He shaved it off once and I screamed. He looked like a totally different person. 🙂
Ambrielle Bender says
My hubby is Army, so for the most part he is always shaven. That is unless he is on leave. I don’t mind it, I do think the video is cute and that it is all a matter of personal preference. The only thing I don’t like is when he tries to grow a mustache and it is in the “inbetween” stage it is not stubble and not a mustache… it’s just shag… hahaha it tickles and itches at the same time.
phillisha says
I personally like the way stubble looks, but I’ve never had a boyfriend that has had stubble so I dunno how i feel about kissing with stubble. But I do feel like kisses are declining.
Carly says
My husband has a ZZ Top beard, and it certainly doesn’t stop me from kissing him 🙂
Jean Fisher says
What a great idea for a marketing campaign. A little stubble LOOKS sexy, but it’s not the best for prolonged kissage. I get a little bit of both because my hubs doesn’t shave every day. My girls can’t stand stubble though and complain mightily if Daddy’s face is scratchy!