I don’t wear jewelry a lot anymore. It is something that went by the way side when I started working from home. There just never seemed to be a reason to get all dressed up when all I do it walk to my desk. I do attempt to get out of my pajamas and into…
How To Pick The Best Coffee Grinder
For coffee lovers, there should never be room for compromise when dealing with the coffee’s taste and aroma. It is the main selling point of coffee. It is why a lot of people have been hooked on the drink. It is why coffee shops have been increasing day by day. With the right coffee grinder,…
Men’s Roman Numeral Stainless Steel Watch from #Aposon
One thing that I feel every man needs is a watch. I’m talking a nice watch that they can wear with their good clothes. You know like to church or on a special night out. When I was married I made sure that my ex had a watch like that. Now that I am single…
Family Friday: March 31, 2017
It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house. Not to mention with the kiddos and all the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may…
Going Green Is Unbelievably Simple
A lot of people think that being green and helping the planet is a chore or will require massive life changes. It doesn’t and by making a few small alterations to the way you live, you can help in big ways. Here’s an example, stop using hairspray. It’s as simple as that. You might think…
Hot Topic Thursday: My Biggest Fear
It is time for another Hot topic Thursday and this week I thought I would share with you all my biggest fear. You know that one that you would rather not have nor share but what the heck. I’m just gonna let it all hang here and yes I realize how bad that sounded.
Fast Food Calorie Comparison
Okay I have been dieting with Lenore, my author friend/boss, and I will tell you that she is ruthless! Every single time we got out to lunch she is checking for the calories. I bet she has the menus memorized and already has planned out what she is eating ahead of time. Fast food comparison…
Retirement Saving Strategies
Have you thought about saving for retirement yet? Every time I see one of those commercials online I think about how little I currently have saved. I would love to say it is because I haven’t thought about it. However, the truth is that every single time I think I am getting ahead and saving…
Blogging Your Way To Success
There are plenty of reasons why you might decide to start a blog. As a portion of your online business, to dive into your interests or even to simply rant. Blogging is good, it’s fun and it can be a job! Blogging? It’s basically sharing in a written form. You share what you see with…
Beautiful Handwritten Gifts from Lauren Nicole
One thing we all want to keep are the precious things our children write or draw. Realistically that just isn’t plausible most of the time. There just isn’t the space and when you have more than one child it came be a real problem. That is where Lauren Nicole can come in, she offers some…