Every Monday Crossroads Media Hub has a link up where you can share what you are planning to eat for the week. It is a great way to share your menu ideas and we also have a recipe that we share with you all. It is usually a link back to the recipe so that…
Our Family
Spanish Word of the Week: Bachelor’s Degree
Our word for this week is one that you may not use as often as some of the others but it is still a pretty good word to learn. It is el bachillerato {bah-chee-yeh-rrah’-toh} which is a noun that means bachelor’s degree, higher secondary-education class, or high school diploma. Here it is used in a…
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests 9/14/14
I am so glad that fall is finally beginning to start to show its head a little bit here. It has been a very hot summer and I am totally ready for the fall as I am so ready for the cooler weather. I am thankful that my schedule is finally starting to make more…
One Toothbrush
After years of having both mine and hubby’s toothbrush in the bathroom I have only mine. Taking his away was another step towards letting things go. I am going to be honest here and say thought of scrubbing the toilet and then sending it to him crossed my mind. There was even a fling out…
Fantasy Friday: Kathmandu
Every Friday at Crossroads Media Hub we share with you a place we would like to visit. Our bloggers share a place on their blogs and we all link up to Fantasy Friday! You can check out all of the bloggers there. Every week we all journey somewhere else and maybe just to escape for…
Wordless Wednesday 9/10/14
The Best Smartphones for Autumn 2014
With news of the eagerly anticipated iPhone 6 on the horizon for September 2014, today’s smartphones are going to have to work hard to try and keep up with the alleged features which are keeping all gadget fanatics talking. Apple have kept us in the dark thus far as to just what we should expect,…
September Bible Verse of the Month
This month I thought I would go in search of a great bible verse about change and growth. I hope that I have come up with one that you all will enjoy it and that maybe it will somehow speak to you as it has me. I am working very hard to change myself…
Menu Monday 9/8/14
Every Monday Crossroads Media Hub has a link up where you can share what you are planning to eat for the week. It is a great way to share your menu ideas and we also have a recipe that we share with you all. It is usually a link back to the recipe so that…
Spanish Word of the Week: Loyalty
Our word for this week is: la lealtad leh-ahl-tahd’ which is a noun that means loyalty. Something my husband seemed ot have a problem with but I digress! This is actually a pretty great word to learn. Here it is in a couple of examples: