I have had the same handful sheet for a number of years. They are the sheets that my estranged husband and I have used and they have served us well. Recently though in an effort to reclaim myself I have begun changing things in the house. I bought this amazing new bedding set that expresses…
Our Family
Fantasy Friday: Scotland
Every Friday at Crossroads Media Hub we share with you a place we would like to visit. Our bloggers share a place on their blogs and we all link up to Fantasy Friday! You can check out all of the bloggers there. It is a lot of fun and I am sure that you all…
Wordless Wednesday 9/3/14
September Saint of the Month
For those of you who followed This Faithful Life you are familiar with the Saint of the Month. Those who didn’t I do a different saint each month sharing a little of their history and my religion with you. Some saints you may know while others will be completely new to you. I hope that…
Finding My Sanity
If you have been following me for a while you know that I write several blogs. I had originally separated my faith articles and many of recipes because I wanted you all to be able to find those articles easily without going through the million reviews and such that I do. What I have discovered…
Menu Monday 9/1/14
Every Monday Crossroads Media Hub has a link up where you can share what you are planning to eat for the week. It is a great way to share your menu ideas and we also have a recipe that we share with you all. It is usually a link back to the recipe so that…
Spanish Word of the Week: Previously
Another week, another great word! This week’s word is: anteriormente ahn-teh-ree-ohr-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means previously. I am going to be hoenst and say I have used this particular word in a lot of agruments.
Winter Prep Tips for Your Outdoor Living Space
Summer always comes and goes far too quickly, but you know what season seems to fly by even faster? Autumn! One day you are enjoying a cool evening on the patio and the next there is a frost advisory or unexpected flurries. Getting your outdoor space ready for winter is a big project, but you…
Growing Older
Tomorrow is my birthday and while I would normally be taking the day (at least) off I will in fact be working. It is funny how when you are growing older that birthdays don’t have the same meaning they did when you were a child. I remember how much I used to love my birthdays…
Our SIMPLE Service Project
Disclosure: I participate in this program on behalf of Champions for Kids and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. You all know how much we love to donate and help other people. That is one of the biggest things that I hope I have managed to give to my children, a sense of giving…