If you are a parent who loves dressing up for Halloween with the kids and loves a bargain, remember to shop for Halloween costumes after the holiday has ended. Stores offer big discounts on all Halloween-related merchandise right after the special night. They do this to clear out old stock. A stores wish to clear…
Our Family
The Weekend With The In-Laws (#LizClaiborne)
The one thing that I have learned, over the weekend more than ever, is that no matter what your plan when you throw in a Latino family there is no telling what is going to happen. My in-laws were going to arrive from Mexico last Saturday and we were going to meet them in Atlanta…
Digging Deep
I received this Bible verse in my email the today: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Get Ready For The Fancy Dress Ball
Don’t you just love the sound of the name, Fancy Dress Ball? It sounds so much more nicer than “Hey let’s go to a costume party.” Which is how it would be said here in the States. The best thing about going to a Fancy Dress Ball is that you get to wear a fancy…
Johnson & Johnson On An Mission to Inspire Motherhood {#InspireCare #LATISM }
Motherhood is so important and I think it is important to have a person in your life that shows you what it means to care and be a great mother. I hope and pray that I am that person for my children. I work hard to show them how important it is to care about…
It’s Vegetarian Awareness Month!
I didn’t even know they had a Vegetarian Awareness Month did you? While we are not a strictly vegetarian family we do have veggie nights which make for good changes from all the meats. Lightlife (a pioneer in vegetarian and vegan food options, has donated $150,000 to Urban Farming in 2012 to support its mission to end…
Be charismatic and protective with Stylish Leather Motorcycle Jackets
The most wanted accessories for men, especially for motor bikers, are the leather jackets. It has become the latest trend for riding on the motorbikes to flaunt around and their other concern is to seek attention of lovely ladies along the roadside. The leather biker jackets are attracting a massive range of bikers to get the best…
Education Thanks to Coca-Cola and Hispanic Scholarship Fund {#DestapaSuFuturo }
The Latino culture is so rich in music, food, family values, and so much more which has influenced my family so much. My husband was not able to get the education he wanted because growing up in Mexico meant money was tight and he went straight to work to help support the family. He came…
I promised you my Meatloaf recipe and here it is. I however cannot take credit for the entire recipe as the topping is from Paula Deen. ENJOY!!
My New Table
As you all know I have been redoing my house a little here and a little there. I finally got my new table and I am so thrilled about it. It came with four chairs and I am getting a little bench to go on one side so that there will be room for everyone.