For the last few weeks I have had a weekly visitor to my home. She started coming and leaving some pamphlets and then asked if she could do bible study each week with me for about 30 minutes. She is an elderly lady and a little lonely I think. So I told her yes. She…
Our Family
Pudim de Abobora
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month here is a great fall recipe. It’s Mexican Pumpkin Custard. I first had it when my mother in-law came to visit. It was so wonderful and now I am trying my hand at it. Ingredients 1 cup skim milk 1/2 cup evaporated…
Baby Ready
I grew up with the disposable diapers, bleach, and all those other horrible chemicals. I never thought anything about it until the day I got pregnant. That moment changed everything! Now I am all about safe and natural. So to get ready for a new baby that will be sleeping in our bedroom posed a…
Wool Flapper Hat {I Want To Win}
This Halloween I am planning on going as a Flapper! We have a party to go to and it is the first time years that I will be dressing up and my first adult Halloween party! I have found the perfect dress. It is black fringe with a hot pink under dress and a strand…
That Moment, That Feeling
One day at a time is still how I take my faith. I have gotten much better about it all. In fact I wanted to share with you all my “moment.” One night a few weeks ago I had a horrible dream (This dream came after I had thought I finally had given up on…
It’s My Birthday
Today is my birthday. So while there is tons of work for me to do I will be taking the day off to enjoy it with my family. My children have baked me a cake and I have been plans. I hope that you all have a glorious day.
Beautiful and Sexy
It has been a while since I updated everyone on the state of my marriage. Edgar and I have been working hard to get through everything this year and I must say I think we have. He still has to work from time to time out of town but I don’t worry as much as…
Our School Calendar
Below is the County School Year Calendar that I use when planning my children’s home school life. What I do is use the days they have listed as holidays,etc and use those as ours. While our schedule can change as needed this is just a good place for me to start. It also tells me…
What A Week
This week has been strained at best. God and I haven’t been on the best terms. In fact at one point this week I was ready to just give up on god all together. This small voice from somewhere inside says “Don’t. Just hold on and things will get better.” The biggest challenge is when…
GET Outside!
Growing up we were always outside during the summer. My parents use to have to drag us into the house kicking and screaming. The only time we seemed to want to be in the house was when there was yard work to be done. Those days we could come up with a million things inside…