If you are like many smartphone or tablet owners, chances are you’ve checked your email, looked at a social media page or two, logged into your banking app to check your current bank balance and played a game or two — all within the last few minutes. While smartphones and tablets are amazing pieces of…
Our Family
Heading HomeToday
Well today we are heading back home after a wonderful vacation. I admit that I needed this time much more than I realized. I had a blast and spent some time doing nothing in particular. We typically take a vacation every year but last year we were so busy that we didn’t get one. I…
Do You Know the History of Electricity?
No this isn’t a test although you may be quizzed on it later! The other day some of the boys were discussing some car and I made the remark that I thought they were named for Nicola Tesla. Well I thought I was right and they looked at me like I was crazy and asked…
How to Downsize and Simplify Your Life
Before the Great Recession, life in the U.S. followed a “bigger is better” motto. The houses were McMansions, the cars were huge, and life was just generally about who had the biggest stuff. Since that time, even though the economy has recovered in most ways and Millennials have started their own thriving careers, there’s a…
Happy 4th of July
It’s the Fourth of July and I hope that you all are out having a great time. We are spending the day with my brother as well as family and friends. Taking the time to remember just what the day means to us and how glad we are that we live in this amazing country….
How to Get the Best Service from an Electrician
Hiring an electrician can be a little intimidating if you are not used to dealing with contractors or tradespeople. Even people who are generally handy with DIY often hire an outside contractor when it comes to serious electrical work (learn more on that) due to the risks associated with electricity. Having a few handy tips…
Useful Travel Apps #RRTavel2017
One of the most important things when traveling is having what you need at your fingertips. Apps help with that and as I was getting ready I went in search of some useful ones that I may need. These are the ones I not only liked, but have downloaded and am currently using.
Fidget Spinners VS Fidget Cubes: Which is Right for You?
Fidget toys seem to be the hottest new trend this summer. Everywhere you turn, you are likely to see children and adults spinning, clicking, rubbing or rolling their shiny new toy. These fidget tools are also extremely useful for controlling the symptoms of anxiety, stress and other such mental health disorders such as ADHD. Fidget…
5 Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Creativity
The creative minds of children are unbelievable. Their imaginations have no bounds and they come up with amazing ideas all the time. It’s smart to develop their creativity to help them build a brighter future. Our friends over at www.findmyworkspace.com discuss 5 ways you can nurture the creativity of your kids.
The 3 Best Cargo Car Roof Racks on the Market in 2017
If you like to take road trips or carry a bunch of items around with you at any given time, you may want to invest in purchasing roof racks that can hold your cargo. This can save time and money in having to haul items in a rental truck or make more than one trip…