I always thought that raising girls would be so much easier than boys. After all I’m a girl. My mother told me that girls were way harder than boys and I didn’t believe her. Boy do I now. Girls are so much more difficult than boys and there are a lot of different reasons for…
Our Family
Family Friday: May 5, 2017
It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may…
When Shopping For Your Children – Shop With Comfort In Mind
You like to be as comfortable as possible, right? Well, so do your kids, so you will want to make sure that you are keeping this in mind whenever you are shopping for them. To help you get started on the right path – you will want to check out some of the following:
Hot Topic Thursday: Rules for Raising Boys
As a single mother the only male influence my boys get is from my male relatives. That leaves me to fill in the gaps. While I would love to say that they get plenty of time with their father the sad truth is that they do not. The reasoning behind that is not my fault…
7 Tips to Consider Before You Join an Online Community or Social Network
The internet has made it far easier for anybody to become a part of a like-minded community. However, like most things, choosing the right online community platform for you will need a bit of consideration. Whilst being part of a great online community can seriously enrich your life, joining the wrong one is simply a…
Family Friday: April 28, 2017
It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may…
How to Save Money
So, you’ve got a new dress or pair of shoes in mind. You’ve been eyeing them up for weeks but you just haven’t got the money to spend on them yet. Unfortunately, being an adult comes with financial responsibilities and we were taught to prioritize what we spend on (doh!). It could mean that there’s…
Family Friday: April 21 , 2017
It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may…
Hot Topic Thursday: You’re Doing It Wrong
I told you on Monday that today was going to be one that you would have to wait for. So what is that you are doing wrong? Parenting, of course! That is what I was told recently. That I was raising my children wrong and guess what? That’s okay! I am more than comfortable…
Tasty Tuesday: Cooking a Brisket
I don’t know about all of you but I love food and everything to do with food including all the gadgets in the kitchen. Welcome to another week of Tasty Tuesday where you will find anything from a recipe to tips on washing dishes! Just kidding cause, I hate to wash dishes and will get…