Is your dog the undisputed king or queen of your home? Chances are, you’re not at all alone there – there are thousands (probably millions!) of families across the country who are letting their dogs rule the roost in their homes. Let’s face it, though – it’s worth it. How can you deny that cute…
Our Family
Happy Valentine’s Day
I just thought I would wish you all lots of hugs and love today! If you are spending the day with you family or others that you love then you are lucky.
I Need a New Roof!
Yep I need a new roof and talk about wanting to pull your hair out. After the last storm we had the roof suffered some damage. Not so much that I had to get a new roof right away. So I did what any other normal person would do and called to have someone come…
Cutting the Costs of Daily Living
Daily living has numerous costs that can add up over a long period of time. We usually work extra hours or stay at the jobs we hate just to sustain a living, and it can be tiresome working from paycheck to paycheck just to pay off things like bills and eating costs. However, there are…
Oh Good Lord! Flies!!
I don’t know about you all but we get flies in the house when the weather gets warmer. It seems that no matter what we do it just doesn’t seem to keep them out. We get sprayed every three months to ensure we remain bug free but the flies seem to not be affected by the…
Growing Old Gracefully: It’s All About Lifestyle
When it comes to living longer, the news is actually good. Despite fast-food and sedentary lifestyles, people are living into their eighties and nineties at a greater frequency than ever before. What’s more, healthy lifespan is increasing too, mainly thanks to advances in medical technology. Recently, the asked Peggy Buchanan, an expert lifestyle and…
Home Improvement: Bringing New Life Into Every Room
Every so often it can feel as though your home just doesn’t have the same atmosphere that it used to. What used to be warm and comforting now just feels kind of stale and uninviting. This is a pretty common thing that a lot of people find at some point, and it can be pretty…
Best Foot Care Practices for Individuals with Diabetes
According to the Joslin Diabetes Center, one in four people with diabetes will develop a foot complication that requires medical attention. When diabetes is not properly managed, nerve damage may develop in the feet, causing difficulty in noticing cuts or wounds. Additionally, consistently high blood glucose levels may reduce blood flow to the feet and…
8 Businesses You Can Start from Home
The days of women staying home to look after their husbands and children are long gone. While many women still make the choice to do that, the choice is theirs to make. Many other women choose to return to work once they have had children, to contribute financially and regain some independence. However, these women…
Five Big Tips for Handling Long-Term Guests on a Budget
If you’ve ever had to deal with long-term guests, you know that there are tons of hidden hassles. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to accommodate out visitors the best we can, should we? For example, let’s say you have visitors for any of the following circumstances: Visiting in-laws for the holidays Friends…