As the holiday season gets closer many of us are taking care of…”business.” I don’t really wax my bikini area most of the time but when the holidays get near I do. The reason is less to with the holidays and more with they remind me that my anniversary is near and hubby and I…
My Monthly Favorites
I have decided to do something new. Each month I will share with you my current favorite products from ShopFanatico. As you all know I am very passionate about ShopFanatico. I truly believe in what Claire is doing and the what she stands for. My favorites can be found in my sidebar. If you…
Fafu Toys with Giveaway
My children love to play dress up (well my daughter does) among other things. There are times when she will be wearing a sheet and say she is a princess and the sheet is her robe and sometimes she can make her brother playwith her. I try to find toys that help foster her imagination…
Patron Saints by: Thomas J. Craughwell
Patron Saints for Every Member of Your Family by Thomas J. Craughwell is a collection of patron saints for a variety of situations, family members and so on. The book is divided into eleven chapters so you can easily pinpoint the type of patron saint for the situation at hand.
Nachomama T-shirts with Giveaway
Nachomama T-shirts is one of my favorite t-shirt companies. I really can’t pin point the exact reason but they are. They have a great collection of shirts , including a $6.99 Daily Deal Shirt. Nachomama is a division of Crazy Dog T-shirts which could be one of the reasons I really enjoy them so much.
Crazy Dog T-shirts with Giveaway
Finding the right tees can be a bit of a challenge. That is why I like Crazy Dog T shirts. they have some great Funny T shirts that most people would love. I have reviewed for them in the past and I just love their women’s tees but this time I thought I would go…
Halloween with Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Today we had the opportunity to have a wonderful Halloween screening party of sorts. Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides hit the stores on October 18th. We were lucky enough to be provided with everything we needed to have a great Halloween party. However since our weather took a turn for colder temps…
Marzetti Carmel Dip with Giveaway
I LOVE Caramel dip! You know the kind that goes over the top of apples. It is sooooo my weakness (well one of them anyway.) I am also a big fan of Marzetti Dips. It is simply a brand htat I trust. When I was given the chance to review the dip I jumped on…
Holiday Gift Guide: EatSmart
This holiday season will be a little difficult for me because as you all know I am attempting to get rid of the Frump Mom bulge. So what to do about all of that? Well take everything in stride to begin with. Secondly be smart about food. One company that is helping me do just…
My First Hands-On Bible
As you all know I have been a journey of faith for most of the year, something that has been tested and will be taking a radical change soon. I wanted my children to understand the Bible as well. To understand why I pray and what they can and should pray about. There are a…