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It is almost that time of the year! If you have small kids and go to church you know that it is almost time for vacation bible school. Out church is rather small so we never have a lot of kids but we do have a great time. This year I discovered that Oriental Trading has all sorts of items to help plan a wonderful vacation bible school.
I spent some time over there trying to decide on a theme for our vacation bible school. I’m the person in charge of the planning. There was so much to choose from but I finally chose God’s Galaxy VBS theme. Of course the next hurdle was just how much stuff to get and what.
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Since I was given a budget by Oriental Trading (and we thank them so much) I made sure I selected items that we could easily add onto. Since our theme is God’s Galaxy I knew that we could easily find and print images of the stars and galaxies as well as the planet. Let me give you a rundown of them items I got along with my plans and thoughts. Over the next week or so I will be sharing other articles with you getting much more in depth with items along with setup and such.
One of the things that happens a lot during VBS is craft time. I managed to find three great crafts that I felt would work out well. I knew that the kids would need something to take home all of their stuff at the end of the week so the Color Your Own God’s Galaxy VBS Take Home Bag was perfect. We plan on having them do this on the very first day. I also go the Color Your Own Adam and Eve Story Wheel which they will color one day as well as the Color Your Own God’s Galaxy VBS flags. I though these would be great for the rooms. We will select colors for each “class” and they can color their flags. We tend to separate them based on ages so this will be awesome. Plus they will work for the Galaxy Games we have planned but more on that later.
Decorations are always needs and the Outer Space Plastic Tablecloth as well as the God’s Galaxy VBS Constellation Maps both seemed like the perfect items. I knew that we could easily add to these and I will share of the additions and use of these with you soon. These two items were the reason I chose the theme I did. They seemed so perfect and with the joys of the internet I knew I could make it work.
Fun Stuff
Deciding what would be fun was not easy. What I decided was to get the God’s Galaxy VBS Treasure Chest Assortment so that we could get the most bang for our buck. This would provide some wonderful treats for the kids to take home with them. I selected the God’s Galaxy VBS Tumblers so that each child could have his or her own cup each day. We will write their names on them and then at the end they can take them home.
Not really part of the VBS theme I selected the Glass Cylinder Jar with Lid and Tootsie Roll® Chocolate Candy because those who know me know that at the end of each day the kids leave with a treat. Typically it’s something small like suckers or such. I thought the tootsie rolls would be awesome and the container could be reused multiple times.
Connect with Oriental Trading
Whether you are looking for vacation bible school supplies or are having a party and need a few things Oriental Trading has got you covered. Be sure that you connect with them on social media as well to stay up to date on all of their news.
Great ideas. We are trying to grow our youth in our church. VBS is a great way to start it