We all spend so much time thinking about all the things that we don’t have that we really don’t spend any time thinking about what we do.
living my best possible southern life
| Rita
We all spend so much time thinking about all the things that we don’t have that we really don’t spend any time thinking about what we do.
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Wow! This is a very moving quote. It really makes you put your life in perspective. There are some people I know that I would like to print this out and give it to them. Everyone needs to count their blessings for what they have. Not for what you don’t. Hreat quote!
It is a great quote and one that really makes you think.
What a great collection of quotes! Makes you stop and think how fortunate you really are.
I agree, we need to focus on what we have been blessed with, just having someone there to turn to is also a blessing.
How true and how humbling. I like this very much.