Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I don’t know about y’all but this gal is ready for it. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year and actually the one that I am the most busy on. Why, you ask? Because it is the one that I don’t do a lot of prep for. With Christmas…
Gifts for the Hunter
I have a brother who is so hard to buy for. If you ask him what he wants he will tell you nothing or it doesn’t matter. I HATE when he does that, I want to know what he wants or needs. Not to have to play some stupid guessing game about what to get…
The Gift of Giving
The holiday season will be in full swing after Thursday and it is the time of year when we give gifts to all of those we love. While we are in the gift giving mood I wanted to remind y’all that it is important to give to those in need this year as well. With…
Finally My Turn!
I have spent the last few years updating the house bit by bit. Most all of the rooms are done and I am almost finished with the living room and dining room. I just need the rest of the chairs for the dining room table and it will be complete. The biggest part of the…
A Solar Water Heater?
They are building a house next door to mine and I have going inside as they made progress to check out all of the things they are putting in. One of the things that I noticed and had to ask about was a solar water heater. I didn’t even know there was such a thing…
Do We Need An Office Building?
That is a question that I have been asking myself for a while. Why you might ask? Mostly because my work life has begun to take over the house in a way that is a little crazy. I don’t mean an office for the blogging that I do. I can do that from anywhere and…
4 Top Tips for First Time Flyers
Flying for the first time can be a nightmare. It can be easy to fall into the trap of letting your fear take control when you know that you’re about to soar through the skies for a few hours. However, rather than being scared, you should feel excited! You’re about to go on an adventure,…
Holiday Gift Guide: Andis
One of the most important things this holiday season is to look your best. At least that is important when heading out to all of the events that are going on. I don’t know about y’all but I have a ton of events this year. More than years past. That means I need to up…
Holiday Gift Guide: Literary Book Gifts
How do you pick out the perfect gift for a book lover? Books are the typical go-to choice but if you are looking for a special present that comes off of the page and into real life you will need to look further than on the bookshelf. Literary Book Gifts is a small online shop…
Holiday Gift Guide: IdealFit
This year I went searching for some workout clothing that would look great while being functional. Also I wanted something that Ma could wear also since we looks like a bag lady when she walks sometimes. I swear y’all should see her. When I came across IdealFit I knew they were going to be the…