When you are self-employed you have to pay so much more attention to your finances. After all, you are the one responsible for everything. You become the human resources representative, office manager, financial advisor, and accountant for your business unless you hire others to that for you. Finances can get completely let me tell you….
Fit Chick….That Ain’t Me!
When I look in the mirror I see a woman who is anything but fit. If I am being totally honest there are moments when I see a fat, lazy, slob. There I said it! Now I’m going to lay all of that aside and say I am totally not fit. But I’m gonna be! I’m…
Meet A Lucky Grace
I told you all that I had a secret project I had been working on. Well that project is called A Lucky Grace and it is a new blog. Don’t worry Rita Reviews isn’t going anywhere. A Lucky Grace came about when I wanted to focus on sharing some fitness tips with all of my…
Family Weight Loss Tips: Workout Ideas for Bonding and Fun
Exercising as a family does not only help you lose weight faster and helps to stick with your workout plan. A study available at BioMed Central shows that regular group workouts improve one’s health on multiple levels, including mental. And researchers from the University of Illinois also determined that spending time outdoors improves family bonding,…
Vacation Camera Giveaway
One of the most popular giveaways I have ever done here at Rita Reviews has been my camera giveaways. I stopped doing them every month this year for a variety of reasons but decided that this summer I would give you one for fun. In fact this giveaway along with one other one will be…
Partying with Yandy
It is almost time for the big Murder Mystery Party and I super excited. I can’t wait to see how well it goes although I am a little nervous. The fabulous folks over at Yandy helped me out a little bit.
Plants from Succulent Studios
I shared with y’all my love-hate relationship with cactus and how beautiful I think they are. I wanted to do a while little garden but Ma didn’t think that would work. Do I thought succulents would be great. That is when I discovered Succulent Studios which is a monthly succulent subscription box that is awesome…
The Great Bag Search: Citi Babies
I have a new bag to share with y’all in my Great Bag Search. It is from Citi Babies and I am thinking that it might be the bag. If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about let me refresh you. I have been on the hunt for a bag that would allow me to…
Traveling Today! Vacation 2018
It is the start of our official summer vacation! We are all so excited and will be traveling today. The drive is always a long one and to be honest when we get there I want to do nothing more than take a nap. Once everyone is inside and the car is unloaded we don’t…
The Worst Stain Ever!
As a mother I have encountered so many different stains that truthfully little fazes me anymore. However there was once a stain that was not only so bad but so surprising that I couldn’t believe it. This was years before I had children of my own. My niece was staying at Ma’s and my mother…